Enjoy 9 down town views. you can see Vitasta at Chattabal. you can see the Chatta kadal ( Near Chatta Bal ). you can see my favourite spot the Batyar temple Ghats at Ali Kadal. A view of Batyar temple Ali Kadal from New Ali kadal Bridge has also been uploaded. Dastgeer sahib ziyarat at Khanyar has also been uploaded . A view of jogi Lanker bridge of Rainawari has also been uploaded. Also uploaded is the Baba Dharm Dass temple at Nawapora near Dalgate - Bar Bar shah Road crossing .This temple is on main road enroute to Rainawari from Dalgate .
I am Hopeful of tomorrow.
How nice ! Our chlidren are going to receive their father tomorrow .
I shall rush to receive him the moment he calls me by name on arrival.
Holding him in my embrace , i shall dance around him in delight .
I shall make him to sit on flooring of New Grass mat.
How nice , our Children are going to receive their father tomorrow.
I shall wash his Feet , He must be tired
I shall also lull him to sleep .
LATER i shall open the wounds of my heart before him.
Children are going to receive their father tomorrow.
It is rumoured that war is imminent .
Oh God! It should not take place tomorrow .
it should never take place .
I am hopful of a tomorrow
Tomorrow our world is going to be SUNLIT.
( Translation A K Mota )