Tantrins of kashmir ( present day Tantrays ) were
hilly Rajputs mostly employed in infantry by kashmirian kings . Tantrins were
very powerful , brave and daring. On account of these qualities they were paid
handsomely by kashmirian kings . Their presence in the Kingdom meant safety and
security of the state . Tantrins were also conscious of their utility to the
kingdoms which made them to indulge in court intrigues . Tantrins would punish
some kings and favour others . Tantrin chiefs were also consulted by kashmirian
kings on vital decisions of the state . Tantrins also took bribes and cash
rewards from kashmirian kings and at times the kings would give them Hundis or
commercial Instruments or duly signed promissory notes . In the event of Non
payment of these Hundis on due dates, Tantrins would revolt and usurp the
kingdom making the king run away in fear . Avantivarman and Sahi kings of Kashmir had a large number of Tantrins in their Infantry
. I quote
“ In Pausa of the same year having failed to ,
through lack of funds , the sums due on the Hundis to the Tantrin , he fled in
fear and tribulation ”
(Canto 302 Fifth Taranga Rajataringini of kalhana
translated by R S Pandit page 211 )
“ with a view to confer imperial power on some
worthy person , on one occasion , summoned for a consultation the ministers , the
grandees , Tantrins .. ……. ”
(Canto 250 Fifth Taranga Rajataringini of kalhana
translated by R S Pandit page 207 )
( Autar Mota )
Monday ,26th
November 2012 …. Time 12. PM …… Good Night …
Based on a work at http:\\autarmota.blogspot.com\.
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