Padamshri Padma sachdev is a stalwart among modern Dogri poets from
“Padma ki kavita sun kar mujhe laga mein apni kalam phaink doon kyoonki jo batein Padma kahati hai, wahi asli kavita hai”.
(Reading the poems of Padma, I
felt I should throw away my pen because the things Padma says is real poetry.)
Thereafter she published five more collections
of her poems at regular intervals — Tawi Te Chanhaan in 1976, Nehriyan Galiyan
in 1982, Pota Pota Nimbal in 1987, Uttarbaihni in 1992 and Tainthiyaan in 1999.
The titles of her books are emblematic and noteworthy. Padma ji can also
understand and speak kashmiri.
(Padma sachdev, Dinesh Nadini Dalmia and Ram Niwas Mirdha.)
(Two Eminent Dogras..Tabla Maestro late ustaad Allah Rakha on his right is Padma sachdev and on his left is Mrs Allah Rakha.)
( Padma Ji )
(Sheikh Mohd Abdullah, Begum Abdullah, Ramanand sagar, Dalip Kumar, Urdu writer Krishen Chander , Padma Sachdev and Shamim Ahmed Shamim MP .. Mumbai 1975)
(Padma sachdev, Dinesh Nadini Dalmia and Ram Niwas Mirdha.)
(Two Eminent Dogras..Tabla Maestro late ustaad Allah Rakha on his right is Padma sachdev and on his left is Mrs Allah Rakha.)
( Padma Ji )
(Sheikh Mohd Abdullah, Begum Abdullah, Ramanand sagar, Dalip Kumar, Urdu writer Krishen Chander , Padma Sachdev and Shamim Ahmed Shamim MP .. Mumbai 1975)
Her poems have been sung by Lata
Mangeshkar with whom she enjoys a close rapport.She is recipient of the
prestigious Sahitya Academy award apart from many other awards like Soviet land
Nehru Award and UP state Hindi Academy Puruskar
etc. etc. Padma Ji ‘s favorite Dogri
poet is none other than Padamshri Prof.
Ram Nath Shastri (1914-2009). He was "Father of Dogri", a prolific and multifaceted personality . Poet,
dramatist, actor, fiction writer, lexicographer, essayist, educationist,
translator and an editor for over 6
decades. Padama ji adds
“Professor Ramnath Shastri is the
Bharatendu Harishchandra of Dogri. There is not a single person, who is writing
in Dogri now has not been influenced by him Not a single word is there in Dogri
on which his stamp has not been registered.”
Her personal life has been just
fight against odds. A battle with Tuberculosis for which she was admitted
to Chest Diseases Hospital In Drogjan
Dagate ( Kashmir ) for 3 years and a
failed marriage with Ved Pal Deep
eminent Dogri Poet and editor of urdu
daily SANDESH published from Jammu
. A letter from Bakshi Ghulam Mohd the
then chief Minister of J&K got her a job of Dogri News reader in All India
Radio New Delhi and then her marriage
with classical singer Sardar Surrinder Singh Sachdev ( Singh Bandhus ) who also worked as Duty
officer AIR New Delhi .
I post a sample poem of this
great poet of our state .
( Peeda Da Dabbaa)
Siir Jedaa Dikhaa De Ho
Siir Nayee Eay,
Dabaa Eay Peeda Da ..
Chhanakdaa Eay Chhankanay Aalaa Lekhaa,
Peeda Eiday Tche Go’l Go’l Phirdee eay,
Dhuun Jan Uthdaa Eay,
Mushaq Jan Ondhii Eay,
Peedaan Te Ho’r Bhi Badiyaan Ne,
Kish Chetay Diyaan ,
Kish Beitay Diyaan,
Jeiday Na Rakhan Huunday ne
Na Suuttan Huunday Ne
Kish ajjay di Peed
Kish Kalley Di
Ikk Peed Ho’r Bhi Eay
Jeiddi Chhanakdi nayee,
Chhadi Huundi Eay,
Eay Peed Ouss Dukhey Di Eay
Jedaa Aoon Huun Tugii Nayee du’ssdi
( Padma sachdev)
Box of Pain
This head
That you see on my shoulders
Is not my head
It's a box of pain
It jingles like a jingle box
Pain moves in it round and round
Smoke rises
It smells
Like the smell of a pyre.
There are other pains too
Several of them
Some of memories
Some of secrets
That cannot be kept
Nor thrown away
Some pains of today
Some of yesterday.
There is another pain also
Which doesn't make a sound
Which is only there
This pain is of that suffering
Which I do not share with you any more.
I conclude this post with some lines from Padma ji ''s Dogri poem' Des Nikaala' or' Exiled'... 'Des Nikaala' has been my favourite Dogri poem.
Sang saathnaan gali Bidesh huyii
Aaoon babulaa ki pardes huyii
Ohka Soha nahin Ohka syaala nahin.,
Miggi maarda koyee bhi Aala nahin
........... Kunn Aakhdaa Des nikaala nahin.
(padma sachdev)
My simple english rendering of the above lines would be ...
Away have I moved From companions, friends and those streets,
Like a daughter, O father, I stand shelved to distant lands,
Denied to me are the summers and winters of that land,
And over here, none comes calling for me.
Who says I have not been Exiled ?
Sang saathnaan gali Bidesh huyii
Aaoon babulaa ki pardes huyii
Ohka Soha nahin Ohka syaala nahin.,
Miggi maarda koyee bhi Aala nahin
........... Kunn Aakhdaa Des nikaala nahin.
(padma sachdev)
My simple english rendering of the above lines would be ...
Away have I moved From companions, friends and those streets,
Like a daughter, O father, I stand shelved to distant lands,
Denied to me are the summers and winters of that land,
And over here, none comes calling for me.
Who says I have not been Exiled ?
( Autar Mota )
Dinesh Nadini was wife of Industrialist Ram Krishen Dalmia the Head of Dalmia Empire. Dinesh Nadini was a well known Hindi poet,short story writer and Novelist. She was recipient of Padma Bushan for her creative work. Dalmias were great patrons of Music, literature and other Arts.Ram niwas Mirdha was a well known minister in central cabinet..A connoisseur of fine Arts, Mirdha served as chairman of sangeet Natak Academy.
Dinesh Nadini was wife of Industrialist Ram Krishen Dalmia the Head of Dalmia Empire. Dinesh Nadini was a well known Hindi poet,short story writer and Novelist. She was recipient of Padma Bushan for her creative work. Dalmias were great patrons of Music, literature and other Arts.Ram niwas Mirdha was a well known minister in central cabinet..A connoisseur of fine Arts, Mirdha served as chairman of sangeet Natak Academy.
Based on a work at http:\\\.
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