MOHD SUBHAN BHAGAT ( 1927-1993 )
They combine the profession of singing and acting with begging . They
are great wanderers travelling down to Punjab where they perform to kashmiri
audiences .With the curious exception of Akingam company , which is formed of
Pandits ( Bhagats ) ,Baands are all muslims . Their wardrobe is of great value
.several companies which I et , have wardrobe that has dresses to the value of
2000 rupees .The Bhaggats of akingaam took to stage at the insistence of their
Goddess Devi as they told me since Brahmins are averse to
this form of acting. Brahmans of Kashmir regard akingaam players with contempt.
They sing songs in kashmiri , Persian
and Punjabi ”
(Sir Walter Lawerence In his
Book THE VALLEY OF KASHMIR page 312 and
313 )
“Bhagat sahib was one of the
foundation pillars that
revived the Traditional Folk Theatre of Kashmir known as
BHAAND PAA’ THHAR . His contribution in
this field is immense . “
(M K Raina Noted Theatre personality who is also associated with kashmir’s Bhaand Theatre.)
“ During the rule of Generous Nawabs , some Shia families from kashmir
migrated to Lucknow for
livelihood and better opportunities .
With them , A group
of Bhaands also moved to
Lucknow. Another group of Bhaands from
Kashmir was invited by Nawab Asif Ud
Daula ( 1775-1797 ) on the occasion of marriage of his son Wazir Ali . A few of them were active post 1947 as well
.Jahangir Bhaand of Lucknow died some years ago and he received regular
stipend from Sangeet Natak Academy “
Writes Dr Baikunth Nath Sharga Historian and writer of kashmiri origin from Lucknow
“ Unfortunately the
younger generation still feels that it
BHAAND PAA’THHAR is something that was done in villages in the past; A symbol of backwardness . There is a tendency to keep
away from it. Ironically , I too faced this problem from my friends and
well wishers when I decided to focus on BHAAND PAA’THHAR . But I tell you , it
is a perfect form of theatre with
enormous scope for humuor , satire
,pathos and what not. It was not a costume drama done by some people just
to collect grains after harvest season as is
generally believed . “
Informs Moti lal
kemmu who has worked tirelessly with Mohd
Subhan Bhagat and others for revival of
Bhaand Paa’thhar in Kashmir. M L Kemmu and later M
K Raina brought New Techniques ,newer methodologies of performance and latest
styles to this folk Art that ultimately made it a component of National Theatre
movement of the country .
Noted writer and Scholar Dr Shashi Shekhar Toshkhani adds ,
"The credit for getting the Akingam Bhands to the forefront must go to Moti Lal Kemmu and the State Cultural Academy ." Mohammad Subhan Bhagat became what he was entirely due to Kemmu's help and encouragement. Kemmu is undoubtedly the doyen of modern Kashmiri drama, his success being largely due to incorporation of several elements of the Bhand Pathur in his style with great effect. I have translated many of his plays into Hindi including "Bhand Duhai", which was directed by M. K, Raina for the Sangeet Natak Akademi and was tremendously applauded by the audience in Delhi and other places in the country where it was shown. Kemmu has written an excellent and well researched book in Kashmiri on the Bhand theatre entitled "Bhand Naatyaam" The second chapter of this book was translated by me into English and was published in the journal Sangeet Natak (VOLUME XLV, NUMBER 3-4, 2011).”
Noted writer and Scholar Dr Shashi Shekhar Toshkhani adds ,
"The credit for getting the Akingam Bhands to the forefront must go to Moti Lal Kemmu and the State Cultural Academy ." Mohammad Subhan Bhagat became what he was entirely due to Kemmu's help and encouragement. Kemmu is undoubtedly the doyen of modern Kashmiri drama, his success being largely due to incorporation of several elements of the Bhand Pathur in his style with great effect. I have translated many of his plays into Hindi including "Bhand Duhai", which was directed by M. K, Raina for the Sangeet Natak Akademi and was tremendously applauded by the audience in Delhi and other places in the country where it was shown. Kemmu has written an excellent and well researched book in Kashmiri on the Bhand theatre entitled "Bhand Naatyaam" The second chapter of this book was translated by me into English and was published in the journal Sangeet Natak (VOLUME XLV, NUMBER 3-4, 2011).”
word itself is derived from two
Sanskrit words ; BHAANA or a
satirical drama as mentioned in Bharta’s Natya Shastra . Some writers
believe that Bhaand comes from Sanskrit
word Bhaandiya meaning a bluffer who
is also called Mas-kharaa in
Hindi or Urdu or the man who
mimics others . And PAA’THHAR or PATRAA
meaning a character in a play . This
theatre became a platform to voice grievances during rule of Pathans and Dogras
. The Bhaands would move from village to village after the harvest when
kashmiris were free from agricultural activities . Attired in their special costumes and assisted some characters who played the SWARNAAI (
special clarinet ) and drum or Nagaara, they would perform at a conspicuous
place in the village.
It is reported that
Maharaja Partap singh would collect
information about his administration from his secret agents who would watch the Bhaands performing in villages . These Bhaands would raise issues of
corruption , Malfunctioning of administration and rigid
social customs that created
unhappiness in the society .Bhaands also performed pathetic plays based the evil practice of BEGAAR ( forced labour
Bhaands of Kashmir
hail mostly from Akingaam ,
Muhripora , Shaangus and Gondpora in Anantnaag district . Apart from these villages , Bhaands also
belong Achhabal , Qayamooh ,Kokernaag ,
Frisal, Aarwani, Waathoora and Dooru .
Bhaands were also
patronized by many Hindu kings in 10th
and eleventh century . This form of art
also flourished during the period of Sultan zain Ul Abdin. Since Bhaand
Paa’thhar could not sustain them financially
, most of them worked as Artisans . Kangri weaving was their most preferred vocation .To perform Paa’thhar ( Drama ) , they use
masks, Drums ( Dhol Nagaara ), Swar Nai ( Clarinet ) and colourful costumes. Bhaands are quick
witted and straightforward people
Mohd Subhan Bhagat was
born in 1927 at Akingaaam village of Breng Pargana in Anantnaag distirct of kashmir. Born in a
family of Bhaands , His father , Jamaal
Bhagat was a well known Bhaand ( Mass-kharaa
) of his time. His uncle Kamaal Bhagat was also a noted Swarnai player . This
family traces its roots to a Hindu Bhaand named Shankkar Shaala or Shakkar
shalla .
It is pertinent to
mention that kanwal Muhru , sodha Muhroo
, Gulaab Muhroo and Maadhav Muhroo were
also Well known Hindu Bhaands from
Mohripora near Akingaam . Hindu Bhaands
would perform in Shiv Bhakti temple near
Akingaam where they were also joined by
muslim Bhaands . Bhaands of Akingaam would also visit and perform at the Shiv Bhagti temple for the
annual ritual . And Bhagat caste
is exclusive to the Hindu Bhaands who converted to Islam later.
So Mohd Subhan Bhagat had
no where to go and received all his training within the family only. He
read upto class 6th and thereafter jumped into the family profession
wholeheartedly. Starting his own group ,
he wrote , acted , directed and produced many Paa’thhars ( Plays ) for
this troupe called BHAGAT THEATRE.
At a point of time it appeared
that this folk Art of Kashmir would go
into extinction. But , After the establishment of
Jammu And Kashmir Academy Of art Culture and Languages , this folk art
saw a new lease of life . Together with Academy officials notably Moti
Lal Kemu , Mohd Subhan Bhagat is one such person who has
contributed immensely for revival of this Traditional Folk Art of Kashmir . His
troupe revived the dying folk Art
by performing Bhaand Paa’thhar in
various cities and festivals of
the country .Some Paa’thhars (plays )
written and directed by him that touched
heights of popularity appear in his collections that are titled ..
(1) TAQDEER is his first Collection of Kashmiri Paa’thhars (
Folk Dramas ) published in 1970. It includes three plays namely Taqdeer( Destiny ) Pouz Appuz ( Truth and Falsehood) and Yi Ti Chhu Banaan ( This also happens )
(2) KAASHER LUKKA THEATRE ( It is a Book based on some serious work on kashmir’s folk Theatre )
(2) KAASHER LUKKA THEATRE ( It is a Book based on some serious work on kashmir’s folk Theatre )
(3) DEEVAAI RANG (A collection of Bhaand Paa’Thhars )
It is due to his sincere and dedicated efforts , Bhaand
Paa’thhar has been revived and given a respectable place in folk Theatre of the
country . His efforts were duly awarded with the Sangeet Natak Academy
award and Bhand Paa’thhar also received international notice.
Many Bhaand theatres have now come up and are doing good work to promote this traditional and old folk theatre Kashmir. Presently children of Mohd Subhan Bhagat ( Notably Ghulam Mohd Bhagat ) are also busy in carrying forward the mission of their father .
Many Bhaand theatres have now come up and are doing good work to promote this traditional and old folk theatre Kashmir. Presently children of Mohd Subhan Bhagat ( Notably Ghulam Mohd Bhagat ) are also busy in carrying forward the mission of their father .
This family faced the ire of Militants whereby their expensive sets , costumes and
musical instruments were looted or burnt
and their lives threatened and some
members of their troupe were kidnapped .
A shocked Mohd Subhan Bhagat, felt highly depressed with
the sudden change in the cultural
ethos due to onset of armed militancy in Kashmir . And soon he
succumbed to his deep anguish .
At his own level , M K Raina ( veteran Theatre personality of the country ) has also taken it upon himself to assist and help every group that is sincerely engaged in the
revival of this art in valley.
( Autar Mota )
Based on a work at http:\\\.
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