" Moksha or liberation is nothing but the awareness of one's true nature " ...(Acharya Abhinavgupta ..Tantra I, p.182.)
" While one is engaged in one thought, and another arises, the junction point between the two is UNMESA or revelation of the true nature of the self, which is the background of both the thoughts. This may be experienced by everyone for oneself ." ..(Spandkarika of Acharya Kshemaraja )
" Only awakening is the knowledge ." ..( A Shiv Sutra of Rishi Vasugupta )
"Hosh dim lagayo Pamposh Paadan" or Grant me awareness.This life at your lotus feet, my lord."..( Bhakti Poet Mahatma Krishen Joo Razdan )
So awareness is the issue otherwise," My Shiva" is everywhere. Shiva is overwhelming. Engaged in continuous re-creation, I see his actions every day, every moment and everywhere. His re-creative destruction is aimed at the upkeep and continuity of this universe. He is there in the seasons. In autumn, shedding leaves so that every tree will wear fresh green apparel during the ensuing spring. In rain and sunshine, I see his compassion for the re-creation of life on this earth. The clouds that appear, disappear and reappear in the sky remind me of his role as the creator, sustainer and destroyer.
When the birds chirp, winds pass through the leaves, sea waves touch the shore, brooks murmur as they flow, he is there playing his music. As Panchmukhi, he created Shree, Deepak, Hindol, Megh and Bhairavi, the five profound Ragas for celestial Gandharvas. His Damru keeps the rhythm in the universe. In thunder and floods, I see his Rudra Swaroopa. Even if I close my eyes, he is there. He is in the rhythm of my heartbeats and in the movement of my limbs. The sun, the moon and the twinkling stars are engaged in performing Shiva's Aarti this moment and every moment.
He is there with carefree children as they line up to enter their school buses every morning. He is there with children who are lulled to sleep hungry by poor mothers. In the hospitals where children are born, in the schools where knowledge is imparted and at the crematorium where we face the ultimate reality, I see Shiva. I see him when the seeds are sown.
I see him when tender shoots appear. I see him when the crops are harvested. He is in the heart-wrenching exasperation of my brothers from any group or society who are striving for dignity, equality, justice and sympathy. He is in the benevolence and smiles of many kind-hearted people who are genuinely busy in serving the suffering humanity. In the undemanding love of our mothers, in the faithfulness of a life partner, in the warmth and sympathy of our genuine well-wishers and in every act of thankfulness, I see Shiva.
I also feel his companion Shakti's overwhelming presence. She is in the life-giving warmth of the sun. As energy in wind, fire and water. She is the power that pulls our boats across this Bhavsagara known as Samsaara. As the supreme dancer, I see him performing Tandava ( male energy ) or Lasya( feminine delicacy ) on this worldly stage.
As Ardhanarishwara, Shiva reminds me that there exists a unity of opposites in this universe. I believe Shiva and Shakti are a combination of consciousness and energy or Purusha and Prakariti. Each one needs the other. As Ardhanarishwara, Shiva gives a strong message that to accommodate other people, one needs to shed half of himself. May Shiva be with all of us this moment and every moment.
( Avtar Mota)
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