Pocket watch was popular among some elders . They would gladly take out the watch from their Pockets and look at it to know time . These watches were mostly imported. Their use was also waning with the sweeping arrival of wrist watches . This watch is almost extinct now.
Alarm clocks were also Popular in kashmir. Many families had imported German clocks .
In kashmir, Compared to PHILIPS , MURPHY Brand Radio set enjoyed more popularity .
GEEP Torches and Battery cells were popular . Estrela Battery cells were also available in Market .
Some elders were addicted to SNUFF. Brands like ZAMINDAAR , PAANCH PHOTO , SAAT PHOTO and SUPER HIMALAYA snuff were sold in kashmir.
Many shops in kashmir also sold Beedis to outsiders. LANGAR BEEDI was generally sold in kashmir.
CAMEL brand Pastel colours were quite popular . I was always tempted by the quality of this product .
You could easily get Duck Back products in kashmir . Rubber Shoes , Long shoes for snow , Hot water Bottles and Rain Coats .
CINTHOL was the soap of the elite . It was easily available in kashmiri . Apart from film star Vinod Khanna , Its manufacturers also brought Cricket Palyer Imran Khan to advertise the soap some time in early eighties of the last century .
Bicycle never lost its popularity and utility in Kashmir. In our childhood , i heard about persons who owned some imported Brands like Raleigh , Humber . Robin Hood.Later Hero, Avon, Hercules and Atlas Bicycles made in the country were also available in kashmir . These Bicycles were kept tidy by elderly users with Dynamo Batteries , Chain Covers , Bells and carriers on backside . Some users also carried a bucket in the front of their Bicycles .
passing show and Panama Brand of Cigarettes were also in great demand in kashmir.
Shaving was done with Blades only. ASHOK, TOPAZ , PANAMA , PRINCE , GILLETTE , BHARAT and NACET were popular brands sold in kashmir .
In my childhood and youth, GODREJ Shaving soap was quite popular though Shaving Creams had also arrived in kashmir.
( Avtar Mota )
Based on a work at http:\\autarmota.blogspot.com\.
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