PAMPORE TOWN ( Kashmir ) AND SHEERMAAL ( a kashmiri bakery item. crisp and tasty to take with saffron kehwa tea. )
“ Jenaab Astaan Aassivaa Tschaamit ”
“ Had you gone inside the Ziyarat ? ”
“ Yim Aaess Rueit Insaan . Hazrat Sharif Ud Din Wali . Aaiss chhiss Dapaan Shog-Bubb sahib. Kaashir Hundh Reuosh. Ye Jenaab Guvv Nambalbal . ”
“ He was a pious Soul. Hazrat SharIf Ud Din Wali . kashmiris call this ziyarat as Shogabubb sahib ‘s ziyarat . A saint of kashmir’s Reshi order. This place is known as Nambalbal ”
“ Me ouss Az Mushtaq Dapaan Sheer Maal Chhe Baqaar. Sheermaal Jenaab sirf -Paantch . Pataa Niyuvv. Aghar Pagaah Chha Baqaar Teilli Niyuvv Pagaah . Yim Paantch Gayee myaani Tarafaa tohee . Ye thhaviv myon card ”
“ Mushtaaq was informing me that you need Sheermaals . Just five left now . If you need tomorrow then no issue . Take tomorrow. Take these five as a free gift from me. Keep this business card of our shop ”
That was a brief conversation with Proprietor of HEEMA MALNI ( HEMA MALINI ) SHIRMAL SHOP well known kashmiri Bakery at Pampore selling just Sheermaals only. The proprietor proudly informed me that His Sheermaal has been tasted by Mrs. Indira Gandhi as well. But then why this name ?
“ His wife is now old. In her youth she was named as Hema Malini . Every one would insist buying Sheermal from Hema Malini’s shop as this family prepared the best stuff in the valley. .The family took this name so sportingly that they named their shop as HEEMA MALINI SHIRMAL ( HMS). Yes we had another Sheermaal shop at Drangbal Highway run by a kashmiri Pandit known as PRAACHEEN KASHMIRI HINDU BAKERY. Sheermal of that shop was also wonderful. People would come from far and wide to buy those sheermals. After saffron , pampore was famous for two sheermaal shops . See Sir this HEEMA MALNI shop uses VERKA pure Desi Ghee and quality flour . Some more shops bake sheermals using animal fat . Not worth eating . And I tell you sir , many Pandits take Sheermaals from this shop to jammu and other places where they are presently putting up. You remember the kashmiri line of lal-Ded “Raaz Hans Rovukh Kaavunn Manz. ”.That is happening to this HEEMA MALNI SHIRMAL. ” Added Mushtaq an employee of our Bank who lives at Namablbal Pampore.
I need to complete the line that Mushtaq told me at HEEMA MALNI SHREEMAL SHOP. The line comes in a shrukh of kashmir’s greatest saint Nund Reyosh ( sheikh ul Alam ) as under
Aaravalan Naagraada Rovukh
Saada Rovukh Tschooran Manz.
Mudagaran Gwor Pandithh Rovukh
Raaza Honza rovukh Kaavun Manz…
(The located lost amidst the boulders
Like a saint lost amongst the thieves .
The learned Pandit lost himself amongst the ignorant
Like the swan lost amidst crows all over.)
( Autar Mota )
Based on a work at http:\\\.
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