Phol Shafak Shafak Shaam....A Kashmiri Song..
As explained by Bharata Muni in Natya-Shastra, Rasa is a concept in Indian arts denoting the aesthetic flavour of any visual, literary or musical work that evokes an emotion or feeling in the reader or the listener which cannot be described. In his erudite commentary on Natya-Shatra, Acharya Abhinavgupta says that Rasa is the core of good poetry, good music and good singing. The artist must deliver Rasa to the listener.It gives Anand Anubhuti( feeling of bliss ) to the listener.
I feel something like that in this memorable composition of Bhajan Sopori sung by Vijay Malla and Kailash Mehra Sadhu . Certainly this poem of Gyanpeeth awardee poet Rehman Rahi is perfect on all parameters of poetry apart from having its inherent music .
The freshness of this musical composition gives a feeling of Rasa( bliss ) ,Dhwani( sound effects ) ,Alankara( ornamentation ) ,Riti( style) and Auchitya ( proper placing ) as mentioned by Acharya Abhinavgupta in his commentary on Bharata"s Natya-Shastra.
I will render some lines of this song into English for those who don't understand Kashmiri .
"Phol ,shafak shafak shaam
Kalwaal pillav jaam
Beyi aav me ilhaam
Kath Kath chhu banaan shaar
Anhaar kasund-taam
tsetas pyom, tsetas pyom ..
Rug Rug chhu vazaan saaz
Yendraaza hechh andaaz
Hoolya chha natchaan raaar
Lankaayi hyotun naar
Guftaar kasund taam
tsetas pyom tsetas pyom
Tsol roos kachein kroin
Hyochh baala kolluv shroin
Aafaq matan vaen
Devta ti gindhan zaar
raftaar kasund taam tsetas pyom tsetas pyom.."
(Once more the evening brightens
with red horizon ,
O saqi bring the wine glass,
I get an intuition,
How good verses are born .
Some beautiful face comes to mind,
,again and again.
Every nerve resonates in this music,
Lord Indra ! Learn this style as well.
Has the demoness Holika been put to bonfire?
Or Ravana's Lanka is in flames?
In this scenario,
Someone's sweet communication
Comes to my mind again and again
Gone is the gloom of the forest gazelles,
The brooks and the mountains too
picked up music,
Now many horizons will enter into clash
And gods up above
shall also play the dice game ,
In this scenario , someone's agility
comes to my mind again and again )
( Avtar Mota)
CHINAR SHADE by Autarmota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
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