If this is correct then Many articles/ write-ups on
"Theatre in Kashmir" need correction for being far from reality.This
story of Theatre in kashmir ,as Narrated by Naadim , appears to be correct
(1) Naadim has been privy to it.
(2) He has Watched all this first hand as a young boy
and then recorded it in the safe chambers of his memory.
(3) The story of first silent movie of 1928 in kashmir
narrated by Naadim to M Y Taing turned out to be100% correct .With that story,
many persons have not only updated themselves but corrected as well.
Here is what Naadim said to M Y Taing..
" During the rule of Maharaja Partap singh, a
Theatre group was formed that had young boys and officers of Darbar. It was
known as Amateur Theatre . It had its office at Basant Bagh. Amateur theatre
group performed some plays of Agha Hashr Kashmiri.It was followed by arrival
of" Raas Groups" from Plains. They would perform Raas or a mix of
song and drama in city. It was a night long affair. These groups sang Gazals
and performed skits .They began their shows with long prayers. They would keep
a chowki for people to donate money. Handsome boys would be made to act in
female roles.
Immedialy after that Alfred Theatre , a Parsi theatre
also started visiting Kashmir.
Thereafter we had our own theatres like sarsawati
Dramatic club of karan Nagar followed by National Theatre of Gawa Kadal and
then the well known Kashmir Theatre .It was through Kashmir Theatre only that
women started coming to theatre to perform female roles.
Bakshi Gh Mohd was also a connoisseur of fine Arts. In
one of the Raas performances held at Bana Mohalla, I saw Bakshi sahib and Sat
Lal Setaari in the gathering. I was a young boy at that time."
(Source Mulaqaat'.. Recorded Interview of poet Dina
Nath Naadim by MY Taing..)
(Autar Mota)
Raas Kath was a nickname given to theatre artists in
kashmir.Kashmiri Pandits in theatre (during initial days) were unable to find a
match and get married. "Hataa Tche karkhaa Raas kathuss Saet amiss
khaandar. kyaa Kashiri gayaa beyi kaah garaa?.Will you marry your daughter to
this silly Raas performer? Are there again eleven households in kashmir?

CHINAR SHADE by Autarmota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
Based on a work at http:\\autarmota.blogspot.com\.
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