(River Indus Near Leh Photo Wikipedia )
( Jhelum in Srinagar city Photo Autar Mota )
( River Chenab Near Doda In J&K )
( River Chenab Near Doda In J&K )
This Treaty was negotiated by
International Bank of Reconstruction and Development ( Now World Bank ) Between
India and Pakistan in 1960 . The primary aim of this Treaty was to regulate the
use of water of 6 rivers ( in Punjab and Jammu And Kashmir ) between India and
Pakistan. By virtue of this treaty , Water usage of Satluj , Beas and Ravi was fully assigned to India while Indus , Jhelum
and Chenab went to Pakistan with certain riders for India. The treaty was
signed on 19 September 1960 in Karachi by Prime Minister Nehru and President
Ayub Khan.
Prior to this treaty , we had the
Punjab Canals water distribution Agreement for sharing water between East and
West Punjab falling in two countries .This agreement was signed in 1948.This
agreement covered a water sharing pattern between India and Pakistan and
Applied to three Punjab rivers namely Satluj ,Ravi and Beas.
Applied to three Punjab rivers namely Satluj ,Ravi and Beas.
The treaty of 1960 also created arrangements for financing Pakistan for building Tarbela Dam on the Indus and Mangla Dam on the Jhelum and eight link canals which were needed to store and transport water from Indus, Chenab and Jhelum rivers to the areas which had hitherto been irrigated from the waters of Satluj, Bea's and Ravi rivers now 'assigned’ fully to India.
India was required to contribute an amount of Pounds Sterling 62,060,000 towards the financing of this new replacement work. The financing arrangements were a decisive factor in the success of the Indo Pak negotiations prior to signing of the treaty.
Pakistan would not have agreed to the
Treaty in the absence of funds for the construction of the dams and link canals
for the storage and transportation of waters of the western rivers to
compensate for the loss of the Satluj ,Beas and Ravi rivers.
The treaty also stipulates that
India shall not build any reservoir based Dam on rivers assigned to Pakistan so
that optimal supply of water was available to that country . India was required
to Build Projects only on the run of these river .
When India Built Baglihar Hydroelectric
project , Pakistan raised Hue and Cry . So was a loud noise made
when Kishenganga Hydro electric Project was built on Jhelum river.
A Neutral Expert and Arbitrator was appointed to hear these disputes . The findings essentially said that new knowledge
of sediment management technology meant that India had to be allowed to install
low gates if not a reservoir . The Arbitrator upheld India’s inalienable right
to power generation on all the three rivers with some riders so as to allow optimum water supply to
Pakistan .
Run-of-the-river hydroelectric stations
are those with small or no reservoir capacity, so that only the water coming
from upstream is available for generation at that moment, and any oversupply is
allowed to pass unused.
Indus water treaty is the basic cause
of power crisis in our state. We can not build a reservoir based Power project
on Indus , Chenab and Jhelum when water of these rivers is J&K’s main
natural resource to be used for development and prosperity of the state. Our power projects in the state are built on "Run of
the River" Technology . We have smaller "h" factor in "mgh" calculation of
Potential energy. And then this run of the river brings more silt to Turbines
and the Generation Plant that gradually reduces the generation capacity.
Hydraulic turbine components operating
in silt laden river water are subject to abrasive and erosive wear Erosion .This is one of the biggest
problems in the Himalayan region. And water of Chenab , Jhelum and Indus is silt laden. This wear due to silt laden water not only reduces the
efficiency and the life of the turbine but also causes problems in operation
and maintenance . This ultimately leads to diminished power generation apart from
economic losses.
( Autar Mota )

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