Renowned Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh( 1853-189 ).
I am tempted to add a lal Vaakh ( Four line Poem ) to this master piece. Vaakhs have been composed by Kashmir's tallest Mystic saint poetess Lalleshwari popularly known as Lal Ded. Venerated by Himdus and Muslims alike , her eternal poetry was treasured by masses for centuries in oral tradition before it was finally put on paper .She lived sometime during fourteenth century . She was a leading expounder of kashmir's Shaivism ( Shaiv Darshna ) and Tantra . She was the first poet of kashmri language. To her goes the credit of bringing NOTHINGNESS, DEATH CONSCIOUSNESS and VEDIC PRINCIPLE OF NETI NETI into kashmiri poetry .
Lalithh Lalithh vadaai Boh Vaai
Tchietaa Muhutch Peyii Maai
Rozii Na Pataa Loh Langareitch Tchhaai
Niz Swroof Kyaah Mothuaai Haai
( Lal Ded )
My simple English rendering would be as under …
“ I shall sob and sob for you ,
O Mind ! How you fell to this worldly greed ?
Not even the shadow of this shall hang around at the end .
O Mind ! Why you ignored the real self within ?
( Autar Mota

CHINAR SHADE by Autarmota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
Based on a work at http:\\autarmota.blogspot.com\.
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