(Mobile Photo.. Autar Mota)
I found this NewSome Journalists covering tspaper giving something that I get from " THE HINDU " back home in India .
During my walk sessions , Almost daily , i move past the Corporate Head office of the Newspaper located on 8th avenue in Manhattan just opposite the Port Authority Main Bus Stand . At our residence, i keep waiting for the newspaper right from 6.30 A.M. The vendor drops it at 7.30 AM outside our Apartment door. By that time, i have already opened the door twice or thrice to look for the Newspaper . For me , The appetite for knowledge , News and communication is larger than the appetite for food. Must have it before Breakfast or at the most at breakfast time. I need to read it from page one to last page along with all its supplements .
The Daily issue of the Newspaper is sold for $2.50 . Saturday and Sunday issues cost $6.20 . Daily issue has a separate 4 page Art segment, 16 page Business segment , 4 page science Times and 24 page main newspaper with so many advertisements. Saturday and Sunday editions are a treat.Annual subscription of the Newspaper is $910. I enjoy reading "The NYT."
The coverage of any current topic gives you a fairly good and almost 360 degree view of the issues involved. You are left to form your own opinion / view. That quality is convincingly discernable.
Some Journalists covering the investigative stories for the News paper appear highly professional and act like whistle blowers for common good..
Founded in 1851, The New York Times Company is headed by Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. . He is publisher Cum Chairman . The Sulzberger family has acquired about 90% shares of the company. There are separate Editors for News, Business and Editorial sections. Currently Dean Baquet happens to be Executive Editor News .The Company also publishes "Times Book Review" and " Large Print Weekly " Separately which can be bought on annual subscription of $156 and $98.80 respectively.
I am informed that after the arrival of internet, the sales of Newspaper
declined. For some time , like other major Newspapers , NYT also faced
financial issues due to drop down in sales.
Currently about 6 lakhs copies of the Newspaper are sold on daily basis
while about 11 lakh copies are sold on Sundays. On Digital front, the
circulation of the Newspaper has crossed 22 lakh copies per day.I end this mini post with sutra 202 in Sanskrit and its meaning in English as explained by Sri B K Chaturvedi in his book "CHANKYA SUTRAS"
Bandhanaani khalu santi Bahooni
Daarubhedanipunoapi shandanghrirniskriyo
Bharati pankaj koshe..
" There are many Bondages but that of love is entirely different.The black bee, which penetrates through even wood, gets inertly enclosed in the folds of a lotus flower"
(Autar Mota)

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