DIALOGUE is a unique Initiative in our state that has come from some like minded Individuals from the field of Art, Literature, Music , Social service etc. The idea to hold Baithaks ( Sittings ) and involve youth from among various sections of the society has proved of immense utility in Bridging so many gaps .
It is an effort towards promoting integration , Peace and goodwill through Art , literature , Music and social service . Conceived by Narinder Safaya Advocate supreme Court of India and a poet himself, it is supported by a dedicated team comprising of Prof. Arvind Gigoo (English Author) , T K Jalali ( composer , Vocalist and former Principal Institute of Music and fine Arts ) , Makhan Lal Saraf (Doyen of Theatre Movement in J&K State) , Shadi Lal Koul (Well Known Theatre Artist) , Prof R L Shant ( Hindi and Kashmiri writer ) ,Dr Ayaz Rasool Nazki ( Poet , Writer and Former Head ICCR Kashmir ) , Indu Bushan Zutshi ( Writer and Trade Union Leader ) , M K Santoshi ( Hindi Poet and writer ) , Gokul Dembi ( Artist ) , Autar Mota ( writer , Blogger and poet ), Jangs Verman ( Journalist, Photographer and writer ) and Many More Individuals .
In every Baithak , Two Prominent persons from our State from the field of Art , Literature , Drama , Music and social Service are called to speak about their life and work to a select gathering . Every effort is made to involve youth. Some Baithaks (Gatherings) are to be exclusively held for younger generation drawn from various sections of the society .The purpose is to acquaint them with our rich cultural past and peaceful coexistence .
In previous BAITHAKS ( Sittings ) , Sh. Triloke Kaul ( Well Known Artist ) , Sh. Makhan Lal Saraf ( Theatre ) , Dr Ayaz Rasool Nazki ( Poet , writer and Former Head ICCR ) , PadamShri Rajinder Tikoo ( Sculptor ) , Prof R L Shant noted Hindi and Kashmiri writer and Farooq nazki well known Kashmiri poet and Media personality were invited as Principal speakers .
Sh. T K Jalali well Known Vocalist , Administrator and composer and Noted Hindi Poet Maharaj Krishen santoshi were the principal speakers in Today’s BAITHAK.
The details of BAITHAK held on 16.06.2017 is summarized as under :-
First session began with Sh T k Jalali . After sh. T K jalali finished detailing his Art and rich experiences, A great evening opened itself for the participants. Shri Jalali enthralled the participants at the venue when he delivered three classical Compositions in his rich voice . His unique Laikaari and maintenance of Purity of Raagas was visible in whatever he sang .He sang a classical composition based on Shringaar Rasa “ Lutt Uljhi haai Suljhaa Baalma “ . A sheer Pleasure . It was followed by a Composition based on Viraha Mood ( Separation in Love )” Saiyaan san Mori Jaaye kaho Vinati Mori “ Again a Grand Treat from the master. He concluded with a Composition on Bhakti Rasa “Hey Gajanan Ganpati Lamboodhar naman Tohay “. The ganpati Vandana was based on Raag “yaman “ and the night had set in.
"Carnatic music and Hindustani classical music appears to be having a common source. In ancient times ,these appear to be one"
" In Kashmir distinct schools of dance, drama and classical music flourished till early fourteenth century. We have contributed immensely to the development of fine arts in this subcontinent.It only needs elaboration and presentation ."
“ We need to understand the difference between “ Chhakri “ and “Leela “ singing. They are structured on different Planks and we need to sing them differently. We have created a common Music plank for both and we sing them loud. “
“Vanvun is our core classical Music. Alas , it is dying . We have neglected it. It is the Real “Saam-gaan rich in its notes , style and musical essence.”
“ Poets use words to speak out their Hearts while Musicians use notes for the same purpose . “
“ In Kashmir , Inspite of prevailing adverse conditions , I find a Group of Young and dedicated singers on the Horizon. I can name a few like Waheed Jeelani , Shazia Bashir , Rashid Jahangir and many More . They have not come overnight to their present positions . And now see the rigorous training that kailash Mehra , Aarti Tiku kaul , Shamima Dev , Archana jalali , Naina saproo Trisal and many more undertook .So Many years of dedication and learning has made them what they are . And learning and dedication is so vital in this field. I am for Guru Shishya Parampara. Unfortunately singers from our younger generation want to learn a song or just one Raaga and come to stage performance . That is detrimental for the music and for the artist as well. “
“ Even people who have a high degree of Musical aptitude or upon whom Saraswati Devi has been kind , Training is of paramount importance .”
“ It is now established beyond any shade of doubt that Pandit Sharang Dev( 1210-1247 ) who wrote “Sangeet- Ratnakara” was a Great Musician from Kashmir who moved out and spread his name and creativity in rest of the country. He is remembered with respect by every musician and musicologist both in North and south of the country . We had a rich tradition of classical Music in kashmir till 14th century “
“kashmir 's Sarangi is a unique instrument. It creates some unique notes . It is slightly different than the sarangi that is used in rest of the country “
The second session with M K Santoshi ji was equally absorbing. Santoshi ji gave details of his childhood , School and college days and his close association with some Communist friends and finally how and when he developed a flair for writing poetry .Introducing him , Dr Agnishekhar Read a poem of Santoshi ji :
“ Mein Huun Ek Guum Hoti Nadi
Gaayab Hotay Phoolon Ki Sampooran Jaat”
“ I am ,A river that is disappearing fast ,
A variety of flowers that is facing extinction “
Santoshi ji belongs to a dedicated group of of Hindi writers from Kashmir who have faced many odds but their Zeal to serve Hindi has never dwindled . This group includes Maharaj shah , Kshema kaul, Dr Agnishekhar , Nida Nawaz and Upender Raina . I am not sure whether Upender Raina writes still . Santoshi Ji writes with Modern sensibilities . satire is his strong point. He uses it now and both in his poems and stories . He read his poems ‘ Vichaar Naag, Kaath Ki Talwaarein , Taambe ki Naak and Madhu Makhiyaan “. All these poems were rich with modern sensibilities . They demonstrated his sharp wit and observation .
His poem "Blood stained Snow " touched the listeners with its content and presentation .I found it deeply moving. I quote the poem in translation ( Translation by Prof. Arvind Gigoo )
"I have nothing
to fight violence with.
Snow is my strength.
Walking on the snow covered roads
With love in my hands
I knock at the doors
Desperately to break the shameless silence
Of my friends.
I fill my eyes
With the sorrow of
The Vitasta ( River )
Of the Chinar ( Tree )
Of the Lake.
And weep for hours
On the blood stained snow"
Both Shri T k Jalali and shri M K Santoshi had a live interactive session with participants with many questions and clarifications .
Others who read papers or spoke in the gathering included Padam shri Rajinder Tikoo ( Sculptor ) and well known Artist artist Gokul Dembi..
Dr Agni Shekhar, Dr Kshema kaul, Prof. Veena Pandita , Shri Narinder safaya and Autar Mota also read their Poems .
Others present in Today's Baithak were I B Zutshi , Murar ji Kaul , Jangs S Verman ( Journalist ) , Sudesh Raina, Kanwal Peshin , Ravi Mahaldar ,T N Pandita and Ravinder Tikoo .Invitations were also sent to many writers and Artists including Noted Punjabi writer Khalid Hussain who could not make it due to some prior commitments .
( Autar Mota )
In ancient times , ‘Sama-Veda’ was recited in musical patterns or Group chanting of Hymns with definite Musical notes . Many established Musicologists are of the opinion that the Vanvun singing in kashmir could have originated from Sama- Gana or chanting of Samaveda .

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