Sung by Kumar Gandharva and many others , this Kabir. Bhajan attained immense popularity within the country. The Bhajan is based on the philosophy of Karma ( actions ) .The origin of Karma lies in the oldest Hindu text known as the Rig Veda, believed to have been written down. by the rishis in 1500BCE. Karma is the law of Cause And Effect and an integral part of the Hindu philosophy . In simple terms, a person's actions determine his fruits or results . While doing or thinking about something , human beings create a cause which is bound to create its effect. And as per Bhagwad Geeta , Karma or our actions fall in three categories ..The Satvik karma, which is without attachment, selfless and for the benefit of others; the Rajasik Karma, which is selfish where the focus is on gains for oneself; and the Tamasik karma, which is undertaken without heed to consequences, and is supremely selfish and savage. The philosophy of Karma finds mention in Upanishads as well.In the Upanishads, the idea of karma is explained as the universal justice that governs all human behavior. The basic concept behind karma is that all actions have consequences. Everything we do in one life will have an effect on our future existence. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad says , (1) executed actions of an individual affects the individual and the life he or she lives, and (2) the intentions of an individual affects the individual and the life he or she lives.
For Kabir , this world is nothing more than a spectacle or a fair . And Karma is the only thing that is to be carried away by the free spirit when it flies away. A King as well as a beggar shall have to leave this ,"Worldly Fair" once the time limit of their stay over here is over .
Who could escape Yama ‘s ( Lord of Death ) Robust messengers ? The Guru ( master ) and his Chela (follower ) have to meet Yama ( Lord of Death ) one day. Both shall carry with them their Karma alone .About Karma ,Meerabai says, "*Udho ,Karman ki gati nyaari , moorakh baitha raj kare hai Pandit phire bikhari." ( Strange is the result of Karma , it makes a fool sit on throne while throws the learned sage into wandering )
Does a fallen leaf meet the tree again ?
I have also attempted to render this Bhajan to simple English….
"Udd Jayegaa Hans Akela,
Jug Darshan Ka Melaa
Jaise Paat Gire Taruvar Se,
Milnaa Bahut Duhelaa
Naa Jane Kidhar Giregaa,
Lageya Pawan Ka Relaa
Jub Howe Umar Puri,
Jab Chhute Gaa Hukum Huzuri
Jam Ke Dhoot Bade Mazboot,
Jam Se Pada Jhamelaa
Das Kabir Har Ke Gun Gaawe
Wah Har Ko Paran Paawe
Guru Ki Karni Guru Jayegaa,
Chele Ki Karni Chehla"
( Kabir )
(Alone shall fly this Free spirit ( Swan) ,
Leaving this Worldly Fair.
Not possible to meet again then;
Who knows where the leaf shall get carried away by the wind once it falls to ground ?
Once the time limit is over
Or the cycle of command and servitude
comes to an end ,
The entanglement with YAMA is bound to take place ;
Who could escape his robust messengers?
Being stationed at the feet of his Master ,
Kabir sings in praise of his Lord .
The Master ( Guru ) too shall meet his fate according to his deeds ,
And so shall the follower leave this worldly fair with his deeds .
(Avtar Mota )
* Uddhav was Sri Krishna's cousin. He was the son of Devabhaga , the brother of Vasudeva, Krishna's father. He looked like Sri Krishna .Sri Krishna has been a teacher to Udhava. Sri Krishna gave Uddhava His final teachings in the form of the Uddhava-gita, the longest philosophical section of the Bhagavatam.Hamsa Gita (Sanskrit) (also referred to as Uddhava Gita) consists of Krishna's final discourse to Uddhava before Krishna draws his worldly 'descent' (Sanskrit: avatar) and 'pastimes' (Sanskrit: lila) to completion.

Based on a work at http:\\autarmota.blogspot.com\.
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