Friday, September 27, 2024




"I am where I am not,
therefore, I am not where I am"...( Arvind Gigoo)

Arvind Gigoo is no more . How could that be true ? I didn't believe it  when my friend I B Zutshi conveyed the sad news. I saw him on Monday , just two days back. He was certainly unwell and on medicines . He couldn't move and the laughter  of  Great Gigoo was absent. He spoke feebly .Agnishekhar and I were with him for about two hours . He was staying at Fortune Riviera with his wife and son  Siddharth Gigoo. He arrived on Sunday and   flew back on Wednesday to Delhi. He couldn't visit his house in this brief visit but expressed a desire to meet friends and well-wishers . Sarla Ji, his wife telephoned me and  I informed Agnishekhar . Together, we went to see him. He shook hands and  enquired the welfare of our familes in a feeble voice as his vocal cords were also hit by the neurological ailment. He had undergone prostrate surgery . He was diabetic. Getting up and walking was impossible for him.  After every five minutes, he  kept telling his wife to order tea which we firmly refused. Did he have premonition about what was going to happen ? Why did he desire to meet his friends ? 

Arvind Gigoo was the sharpest observer of men and matters that I happened to befriend in my life. He spoke one language and  that too fearlessly .No double talk. He was neither secular  and never ever a communalist .He didn't practice  spirituality or atheism. I didn't find him practicing rituals either . The terrorism in his native land  had made him to leave his home and take refuge in Udhampur and finally Jammu . He wrote  against the terrorists and their sympathisers in his  unique style . He wrote against many short sighted and petty  mainstream leaders   .  Exile had touched his soul yet he had retained his objectivity . Truth alone remained his tool.

               ( Avtar Mota with Arvind Gigoo)
( Ayaz Rasool Nazki, Shadi Lal Kaul,Avtar Mota and Arvind Gigoo) 

In his essays ,stories and cameos, he was  Manto reborn.His language and sentance construction matched V S Naipaul. At many places, I found his writing style coming close to P G Woodhouse.  His humour was intense and apt. His observation was  sharp and left nothing under the carpet. His scrutiny  was more revealing than what is known as  MRI in the medical parlance.  He was mentor to many . He corrected the manuscripts of many books even when he had issues of eyesight . I don't think he ever refused to read and  correct any manuscript brought to him. Manuscripts of my two books were read and corrected by him. He did some hobby art.  I saw and wrote on his beautiful  driftwood sculptures  

  Arvind Gigoo was a brilliant translator who brought new charm to the  verses that he took up for translation. He did some brilliant translations of poems of Dina Nath Nadim,Arjun Dev  Majboor,  Maharaj Santoshi, Suneeta Raina Pandit  , Agnishekhar,  Kshama Kaul and some more poets.

Meeting him was a pleasure .Talking to him was a delight. In conversation, he enthralled and enthused his listeners . Himself, he was a great listener  .He didn't keep age barriers. Like a true  Mastana, he spoke what he felt and detested double talkers. His conceptual framework about art, literature, music and  theatre was clear. He had scripted a  short film that he  wanted to shoot using Makhan Lal Saraf as lead actor. He narrated the brilliant script to me .Saraf  suddenly  fell ill. Then he himself was unwell. The project couldn't see the light of the day.



                 ( Photo , Jammu ..23.09.2024 )

Arvind Gigoo wil be missed by those who knew the man . I will certainly miss him .  With his departing, we are fast moving towards ," Aadam Qahat" or a drought  in the field of  fearless  sparkling minds . My heartfelt condolences to his wife Sarla Ji and his family and friends. My sincere sympathies are for Siddharth Gigoo his brilliant son . Sadgati and Moksha to the soul that touched many hearts  .


( Avtar Mota )

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