Thursday, September 19, 2024



( Images carved on the copper alloy Prabhavali)
                   ( A bronze Nartaki sculpture from 9th century Kashmir )
( The 9th century copper alloy Prabhavali from Kashmir )

Kalhana  confirms that copper was mined in Kramarajya or present day Baramulla and Sopore area or areas to the North of Srinagar . I quote 

" Having drawn copper from the hill which was situated in Kramarajya , struck a hundred crores Dinars less one stamped with his own designation . "

(Verse  617 Taranga IV Rajatarangini)

Numismatic evidence supports that copper was mined in ancient Kashmir . And surely Kashmiris were in know of smelting and forth floatation methods to extract metal from ore. In Devsar ,Kulgam, the massive copper alloy  Prabhavali  relating to Avantivarman's period was dug out by ASI  in 1931. The Vishnu Prabhavali weighs aroun100 kg and is exquisitely carved . First of its kind in the sub- continent, the Prabhavali establishes beyond any shade of doubt that Kashmiris had not only perfected the technique of copper extraction from its ore but   had also mastered the art of alloy making. This bronze Prabhavali is on display in SP S Museum ,Srinagar along with many bronze and copper sculptures from Kashmir  relating to ancient /  mediaeval period .

( Avtar Mota )

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