Tuesday, August 27, 2024




Northeast of the US is a beautiful area with green forests, lakes, fruits ,hills and rivers. The immigrants from England arrived in this part of the land and named the area New England which now comprises of states of Vermont, Massachussetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode's Island.
There is a  history of skirmishes between Native Americans and British settlers in New England .  New England was originally inhabited by American Indians who spoke Eastern Algonquian languages. Some of the prominent tribes in New England include:-
Narragansett,,Mi'kmaq, Pequots, Mohegans, and Pocumtucks. The region was one of the earliest English settlements in the “New World” following the arrival of the Pilgrims, who set sail from England aboard the Mayflower in 1620 in search of religious freedom. By the late 18th century, the British colonies of New England were among the first to demonstrate ambitions of independence from the British Crown; one of the most notable demonstrations was the Boston Tea Party of 1773.The American Revolutionary war broke out shortly after in 1775 and the Declaration of Independence was signed and adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. In the 19th century, New England also played a fundamental role in the movement to abolish slavery.

New England has four distinct seasons( spring,  summer, autumn also known as Fall and winter) and is truly a year-round destination. It’s the distinct change of seasons that native New Englanders often like best about living in this part of the United States.New England is one of the most historic and culturally rich regions of the USA. . New England grows many fruits, including apples, cranberries, kiwi berries, peaches, cherries and pears.
We visited New Hampshire where an Airbnb  accommodation on the bank of Lake Ossipee  falling in  New Hampshire state  had already been booked for 9 days. Flying from  New Jersey to Boston by an evening flight , we stayed overnight in Boston. This is my third visit to Boston. Boston is the largest city in New England and is located on the Atlantic Coast in Massachusetts state . The city is sometimes called the Stockholm of America because of it's walkable streets compared to many cities in America, the seasons and “European feel” of the city.Next day from Boston to   Lake Ossipee ( New Hampshire ) we arrived by car. It was  2 hour's journey . Staying overnight at Boston on 23rd August 2024, we arrived in  Ossipee Lake  cottage on 24th August 2024.

Ossipee Lake is located in Carroll County in northeastern  side in the New Hampshire state . Spread over an area of 3,245 acres, it is the sixth-largest lake located entirely in the state, and is surrounded by the towns of Ossipee, Freedom and Effingham.The average depth of the lake is 27 feet with a maximum depth of 73 feet. The water quality is oligotrophic ( the best ). The towns of Ossipee, Freedom surround the lake. The lake water is clean and clear. No house boats are allowed in the lake . Overall, water quality in Ossipee Lake is  good and has been stable over the last 40 years. I neither found any trash near the lake nor in the lake water.  Boating and fishing is permitted. Speed boats and jet boats create waves as these glide fast over lake's surface. Tourists prefer to stay in Airbnb cottages on the lake shore . I saw people swimming in separate area that had sandy beach . The day temperature over here was 23 degrees  while nights were cool at 16 degrees Celsius. I was told that the lake is about 6 km in length and 4 km in width  and is full of fish  including Rainbow Trout, Lake Trout,   Salmon  and many other varities.  Ossipee Lake is known for its bountiful fishing, popular beaches, boating, scenic views and family-friendly atmosphere. It is  surrounded by more mountain peaks than one can count.
Archaeological research in the area around Lake Ossipee has  revealed a rich cultural history dating back 10,000 years. Studies have recovered stone tools and manufacturing debris, in addition to ceramics and faunal remains. The research has broadened the understanding of the prehistoric hunter gatherers and Native occupants of the area. Another research paper about the Lake says this:-

“The Ossipee Lake area overlies the state’s largest stratified drift aquifer, a very significant water supply resource. The area also supports a number of very valuable wildlife habitats. The pine barrens is NH’s only remaining intact occurrence of a globally rare and threatened natural community. There are several globally-rare pond shore communities, threatened and endangered species, and three tracts of old growth forest in the area. The region is a large and relatively undisturbed glacial sandplain containing a complex of peatlands and unusual sandplain forests with remarkably high invertebrate and natural community diversity.”

After visiting Portland and Peaks island on the Atlantic shore, we returned  to  our Ossipee Lake cottage   on 26th August 2024. It  was cloudy and cool. Low clouds had engulfed the hills around the lake . A little drizzle followed by sunshine made us to see a huge rainbow in the sky. The children in our family were excited . We came to the lake once more after the clouds had cleared.
I was told by a resident that the lake freezes in winter season. He has seen the lake in January 2023.

( Avtar Mota)

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CHINAR SHADE by Autarmota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
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