Wednesday, June 26, 2024



THE THINKER by Auguste Rodin

Avtar Mota feels .....


Man is not made for observing other people . Once you indulge in this activity, you can't stop  commenting . Once  you comment , the rebound and recoil of your comment keeps you tied to this vicious circle. You start talking more than is needed. The aptitude to take up  fine things of existence remains too far from you. At a point in time, given  free choice,even those around you may also gradually move away as they are neither inspired  nor enthused. And  finally you are unproductively  aloof, alone and cut off. This loneliness is terrible . You start blaming others for a trouble that you invited yourself.

Observing others  may also create rancour and bitterness among  individuals. The observing person doesn't know how much unhapiness and unpleasantness he is passing on to others. And man hasn't come to this world for that.  That is why you find intellectuals generally silent . Silence opens doors towards the inner space that everyone among us needs to visit under all circumstances.The inner space talks to you with concern, empathy   and genuine feelings.To hear that inner voice , one  needs to stop observing others. That is why a genuine  intellectual only observes himself . The intellectual loneliness is different. It is creative and very close to solitude . 

( Avtar Mota)

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