(Photo .. Colourful Poshnool)
Kashmir is home to a large number of feathered creatures that include Monal, Jungle Bush Quail, Shikra, Himalayan Bulbul, Tragapon, common Kingfisher, Blue Whistling Thrush, Common Moorhen, Koklass Pheasant, Little Grebe, Himalayan Woodpecker, Tundra Swan Great Tit, Black Kite, Mallards, Greyleg Geese, Pochard, Shovelers, Crows, Eagles, Swallows ,Sparrows, Cuckoos, Vultures ,Golden Oriole , Mynah,Skylark, Parrots, Parakeets etc. A good number of songbirds can also be seen in the Kashmir valley. Add to that a large variety of guests or migratory birds also arrive in the valley during winter season using wetlands in the Kashmir valley as transitory camps. Kashmiri names of some common birds seen in Kashmir are as under :-
1 Summer Swallow is Katijj in Kashmiri..
2 Golden Oriole is Poshnool in Kashmiri
3 Partridge or Chikkor is kakav in Kashmiri
4 Pigeon is Kotur in Kashmiri
4 Crow is Kaaw in Kashmiri. The Mountain or Jungle crow is called Divva Kaav while another wild variety of crow that feeds on carcasses and is slightly bigger in size is known as Paantseil Kaav. This wild variety is seen in higher reaches of Pir Panchal hills.
5 Sparrow is Tser in Kashmiri
6 Blue Heron is Braeg in Kashmiri
7 Mynah is Hae’r in Kashmiri
8 The grey Goose is Anz in Kashmiri
9 Common Teal is Keuss in Kashmiri . I believe the nickname kissu is derived from this bird. It is a migratory bird that arrives in Kashmir in late August and stays in valley till April.It is seen in large numbers around lakes and ponds .
10 Scavenger Vulture is Graedh in Kashmiri.
11 Common Pariah Kite ( family Eagle ) is Gaa’nth in Kashmiri .Picks up young chickens or kokurpoot.Common cry heard often ,'Gaa'nt. Haa Aayi .Kokur tchhunuk murris' or "There flies down an eagle put the chicks inside the safe place."
12 Cuckoo is Shah-kuk in Kashmiri
13 Kingfisher is Kol-Toonch in Kashmiri. This bird is seen around lakes and ponds .So many in are seen in Dal lake during summer season .
14 Parrot is To’ta in Kashmiri.
15 Indian Sky Lark is Dedhar in Kashmiri.
16 Ground Thrush is Kumier in Kashmiri A Common singing Bird seen near Chinar trees and gardens.It feeds on worms on ground.
17 Bulbul is Bil-bichur in Kashmiri
18 Hoopoe is Satut in Kashmiri .Bumsin zaani satut sinz toff or only an earth worm knows the sting of a Hoopoe. This bird has a long bill. It is colourful with a crown like feather on its head and white spots on its body.
19 Owl is Raat -Mogul in Kashmiri
20 Turtle Dove is Wun Kukil in Kashmiri.
21 Little Grebe is Pin'ditchh in Kashmiri. A water bird found in lakes. So many in Dal lake during summer season . It feeds on small fish and insects.
22 Bat is Raata-Kreal in Kashmiri
23 Tickell's Laughing Thrush is Kastoor in Kashmiri. Kastoor finds mention in ' Valai Kastooriye ', the most popular Kashmiri song of poet Rasool Mir.
24 Rudy breasted crake is Gill in Kashmiri. It is like a house sparrow and black in colour. Mostly seen around paddy fields. After harvest, it flies away from paddy fields.
25 Koel is Kukil in Kashmiri
26 Mallard is Nilij in Kashmiri
27 Laughingthrush is Sheen Pipin in Kashmiri
28 Monal Himalayan is Wan-Kokur in Kashmiri
29 Parakeet, Rose-ringed is Shoga in Kashmiri. It feeds on unripe fruits in orchards of Kashmir .
30 Pintail northern is Pachhin in Kashmiri
31 Treecreeper Bartailed. Is Kuel Deider in Kashmiri
32 Wagtail white is Doeb-baai in Kashmiri
33 Thrush Blue whistling is Hazaar dastaan in Kashmiri
34 Coot common is Kolur in Kashmiri
35 Paradise-flycatcher, Asian is Ranga- bulbul ( female bird) and Phambasir ( male bird ) in Kashmiri
36 Starling, Common is Tsini-Hangur in Kashmiri
37 Rock ,Bunting is Van-Tser in Kashmiri
Any further addition is welcome
( Avtar Mota )

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