The Great Triloke. Kaul ..Artist..
(Photo Autar Mota )
(Photo Autar Mota )
Dr Shashi Shekhar Toshkhani noted scholar and poet informs ,
- “Triloke Kaul's contribution to the Modern Art Movement in Kashmir has been immense. While his creative vision makes him great as an artist with a unique style of his own, he has also been a source of inspiration and encouragement to a whole generation of Kashmiri artists. People like me who have had the privilege of coming into close contact with him can never forget to recount his qualities as a human being. It is sad that circumstances have turned him almost into a recluse. Certainly he is one of those eminent persons in this country whose creativity deserves much more respect and attention than it has received.”
(Portrait of Artist Triloke Kaul executed in Impasto style by GR Santosh..78×103 cms .
(Source .. "The Art Of G R Santosh" a book by Shantiveer Kaul..Publisher 'Roli Books Pvt Ltd. ' New Delhi Available on Amazon.)
( Old house of Triloke Kaul in Srinagar city is on left side )
Shri Maharaj Bhat noted Artist from kashmir informs ,
- “One of the first modern painters of J & K state who along with Som Nath Butt and PN Kachroo pioneered the Modern Art Movement in the state.”
Yes the loss of home and migration from Kashmir valley made him a loner . The state too failed to honour him. An honour that is long overdue to him. He remains a pioneer and last of the legends in the world of Modern Art movement in Kashmir.Unknown to younger generation and possibly forgotten as well.
I have written 4 lines in kashmiri for this photograph..
Vanayaa taelli Baagaeik Haalaat,
Laenjji poshan haendh Chhokh Haaersaat,
Huum yim zeivi gund dithh lobb vuchh-thhak,
Tiem Aaeiss yemi Shahareik sukraat..
(Autar Mota )
Should I then narrate the tale of the garden to you?
The woes and wounds of flowers on the branches.
Those who opted to go dumb and sit aside ,
They were like Socrates of this city ....
( Autar Mota )

Based on a work at http:\\\.
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