When respect is intended to be shown, Kashmiris use words like Huz or Mahara. Muslims use Huz which is believed to be a shortcut for Hazarat. In the Arab world, the word Hazarat is used with religious persons or respected personalities. It is a title prefixed to the name of a saint or any respected person . I found people from Turkey and Iran using word Hazarat .It is also equivalent to the normal Western honorific addressing high officials as "your honour" or “your majesty ”.In Kashmir when the word Huz is used, the intention is to convey “ I respect you ”. The word Mahara used by Pandits is a shortcut for Maharaj. The word Maharaj comes from two Sanskrit words, Mahat/Maha meaning "Great," and “Rajan” meaning, "King".While the literal meaning of the word Maharaj is “Great King ”, it is used as a title to address men who hold high, noble or religious office. Kashmiri Pandits use it for elders to demonstrate respect and regard. Amongst Kashmiri Pandits, the word Mahara is used to convey, “ I respect you ”.
Other titles of address that Kashmiris use are as under;
(1 ) Joo …Elders are shown respect and addressed with their names suffixed with "joo", like Ram Joo, Krishen Joo, Subhan Joo, and Qadir Joo. Both Hindus and Muslims use Joo.
(2 ) Sahib ... Sahib means Sir or Master and was especially popular among the native inhabitants of colonial India when addressing or speaking of a European of some social or official status. It is also a general title for the boss, ‘ Sahib Chha Aamut’ … ‘Has the boss come? It was also used for addressing Europeans in Kashmir like Biscoe Sahib or Neve Sahib for Tyndale Biscoe or Dr Arthur Neve. Kashmiris also suffix it with surname to give respect like Dar Sahib, Dhar Sahib, and Koul Sahib. The word has been carried over and put to extensive use even after the freedom from British rule. Sahib is also used for Almighty or God.
(3 ) Haej Saaeb … Used while addressing an elderly person who has performed Haj.
(4) Pandit Ji …Used for showing respect to an elderly Kashmiri Pandit while addressing him. Pandit Ji is also substituted by the word Bobu Ji when Muslims address an elderly Kashmiri Pandit.
( 5) Khwaja Saeb… Khawaja means master or lord. The title is also closely related to other terms in Sufism or one can say a spiritual title but practically in Kashmir, it is used to address a person who is well-off or belongs to the upper strata of the society. The word Khwjabaai is used for females to show respect.
( 7 ) Kaak .. A member of a Kashmiri family who is elderly, wise and has rich experience of life.
( Avtar Mota )

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