Some time back , a senior executive in a public sector organization used this phrase in his sanction order. He wrote :
"sanction of this proposal is a Hobson's choice for me"
By saying so, may be he wanted to record his anguish for a decision forced upon him by officials at recommendatory level . May be his freedom of choice to go for any other option had been closed by the witty officials below him who had processed the proposal and recommended the same. Or may be the SWOT( Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) analysis of the proposal threw up only Hobson's choice for the sanctioning authority. I am not sure .Can't say more.
That was the first and the last time I saw a top executive using the phrase "Hobson's choice" in his sanction order .
A Hobson’s choice is no choice at all. It clips your freedom of choice and lands you in a situation where you are supposed to decide with only one choice .
Thomas Hobson (1544-1631AD), was a well known stable manager. A serious person who talked very little with his customers . He rented his horses and no client could select a horse of his choice or visit the stable. Customers were required to take the horse next in line or no horse at all. Either take it or leave it . That is how the phrase evolved .
In olden days , a phrase was popular In the Kashmiri society. It was somewhat nearer to” Hobson’s choice” . A woman who wanted to move away from suffocating social life or more specifically from her husband’s cruel attitude was often heard saying…
“ Tsal ha chaani d'aadi
Magar tse hya’th sae’t “
“ Fed up , I want to run away from you but carry you along “
A Kashmiri equivalent of Hobson’s choice ..
( Avtar Mota )

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