Saturday, September 7, 2019




A  beautiful island  in Atlantic  Ocean known as Martha's Vineyard . Martha's Vineyard is a  celebrated vacation  island that has been captivating visitors  since long. Over here, one can see  long-term summer residents and day-trippers .

The island offers extraordinary natural beauty , sandy beaches, rolling hills , great ponds, coloured clay cliffs and pine and oak forests. It is separated  from Cape Cod by a seven minutes  stretch of Atlantic Ocean.

In 2019,  we went to this place  by  a tourist coach from Bowery, Canal street, New York. It took us  about 6  hours via Mystic and New Port to reach Falmouth  ferry point . From Falmouth , it was about one hour's journey by ferry .The ferries  carry tourists and cargo. The basement of these huge ferries is for transportation of cars and trucks. Accordingly, you can go to the island in your own car as well. There is a small airport  in this island  and I was informed that some flights bring tourists and VIPs to the island during summers.

The island  was inhabited by about 3000   native Indians till  early 17th century,  whereafter  it was colonised by the  Britishers and finally, it  became a part of the  US.

We were told that in 1884, 13 persons aboard a wrecked ship (that sank near  Martha's Vineyard Island  )were saved by daring men from the native Wampanoag  tribe who swam to the site in freezing Atlantic waters.The immigrants were  taught  whale catching by native tribes who were skilled in this task.

Steven Spielberg selected this island  in Atlantic as location for his 1974 blockbuster movie  "Jaws".  The island has summer houses of Obamas, Clinton family ,  Prince Charles , Actress Meg Ryan ,Spike Lee,and many more  artists and   celebrities. Roughly 17000 people live in this beautiful island permanently;  however during summer season the population touches 200000. There is a single source of drinking water  on this 96 sq. miles island that meets all the drinking water needs . The rest is sea water.
Summers are pleasant and cool. Winter temperature may drop down to minus 18 degrees Celsius . Deers are in abundance in this island. Construction activity is restricted to small cottages. No high-rise  structure, no Wallmart , no Wells Green ,  no Wholefoods and other big business Malls. Many shops rent bicycles,cars and two wheelers. The area is home to Atlantic white whales . Electric power comes  through under water ocean cables.  It is a place of  sprawling nature preserves and expansive ponds and sandy barrier beaches.It is a place to relish sea food ,ice creams, pizzas, bakery and wines. You can also have excellent  Chinese , Japanese, Italian , Mexican and Thai food. Rent a bicycle,car, jeep or  a motorbike and move around. Go for fishing and  enjoy blue water beaches. Our guide told  us this :-

" A British explorer , Bartholomew Gosnold, arrived in 1602.  He saw plenty of wild grapes in the island.   He  named the island “Martha's Vineyard," probably after his daughter whom he loved intensely and from whom he was separated due to the long sea journey . He saw the Wampanoag  tribe  ,the original residents of the island.Martha’s Vineyard has long been a popular summer destination for  top politicians, from the Kennedy clan and former Secretary of State John Kerry to the Clinton family and former President Barack Obama. Obamas love this island. They keep coming . I have seen Obama riding a bicycle and moving  around many times. Lady Diana's summer house is also a place worth visiting. Winters are harsh. Few ferries arrive from the mainland. It is snow and very cold."                                                                          

Many artists have lived and done exceptional landscapes of this Island and its surroundings.. Ray Ellis was one such artist. In New York, I purchased an autographed   book that had many paintings of  this beautiful island done by Ray Ellis. Some paintings from this book are as under:-



There was a report in newspaper recently  that the Obama family has bought a $14.85 million Martha’s Vineyard home from  its Boston owner. Situated on 29.3 waterfront acres near the Edgartown Great Pond, the impressive estate, which was built in 2001, features seven bedrooms, eight bathrooms, and a powder room. It also boasts of  an elegant master suite complete with a fireplace, as well as two guest wings, a two-car garage, a sun deck, boathouse, and a pool.With these standout features, there is no doubt that Barack and Michelle Obama, along with their children, Sasha and Malia, will continue to enjoy memorable stays on Martha's Vineyard for years to come.

So long so much on Martha's island.

(Avtar Mota)

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