Nedou’s Hotel was founded by Michael Adam Nedou, an architect by profession who had traveled
to India from port city of Ragusa ( Dubrovnik) to construct a palace for the
erstwhile Maharaja Of Gujarat .
Adam Nedou built his first hotel in Lahore in 1880 and this Hotel was the
flagship of the Nedou’s chain. It was Michael Adam Nedou’s dream to expand his
hotel chain into the picturesque Valley of Kashmir. The Nedou’s Hotel Gulmarg
and srinagar were built in 1888.
( Old Photo of Nedou's Hotel Lahore . Now AVARI HOTEL has come up at this site )
1933 ,Sheikh Mohd Abdullah married Akbar Jahan, the daughter of Michael Harry
Nedou, the eldest son of Michael Adam Nedou.Michael Harry Nedou had married a
local girl namely MIRJAN. Presently Nedou's Gulmarg is doing good business
while a major portion of srinagar Nedou's is in bad shape needing extensive
repairs and renovation.The picture of Srinagar Nedou's is prior to the present
turmoil in Kashmir valley. Tragic is the
condition of such heritage buildings at the moment . Only a
few in Srinagar are now aware of the
glorious history of this Grand
hotel . I add that Nadim sahib Immortal
Opera" Bombur Te Yemberzal "was first performed in this Hotel only.
This opera was witnessed by a select VVIP gathering consisting of the Russian
leaders like Marshal Bulganin and Nikita Khrushchev.
Autar Mota )

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