Paddy harvesting has begun in kashmir valley. It begins in Ganderbal district first . This harvesting is a scene to watch . Like in plantation of rice saplings , entire family again joins in this harvesting as well. Samovar loads of Nun Chai ( salt tea ) with bread( Tel Voru or Tsech Vor ) made by kashmiri Bakers is brought to the fields for workers to relish . Idd festival is fast approaching . People in Ganderbal district are acting fast on the job of freeing themselves from harvesting . Happy Idd to them .Idd Mubarak to all.
Hutei Yetei Arsh Farsh Shahkaar
Chein Yeimay Nein Gayei Aakaar
Cheiy Nerguun Cheiy Palanhaar
Baar Khodaaya Paap Nivaar.
Kour vichhav Preth Andh Andhkaar
Kour Tsalav vati Vati Tsal Laar
Toth faqat Chonuy Darbaar
Baar Khodaaya Paap Nivaar
( Syed Rasool Pampori )
You built the sky and the earth in this universe ,
These are thy visible miracles ,
O thee formless O provider
O god! Relieve us of the load of our sins.
Wherever we look , we face darkness alone ?
Where shall we run away when everyone is on the run?
Now Your abode is only dear to us lord,
O god! Relieve us of the load of our sins.
( Translation from original kashmiri by a k mota )
I have already conveyed that many eminent poets in Kashmiri have used the immortal line of the tallest Sufi saints of kashmir sheikh Nur Ud din ( Nund Reshi )in their poems . The line is a true representation of Sufi Cult of kashmir . First two words have persian origin ( Baar Khodaaya ) and the remaining two ( Paap Nivaar ) are from Sanskrit.Syed Rasool Pampori is a noted kashmiri Poet who is also a sahitya academy Awardee

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