CHINAR SHADE by Autarmota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
Based on a work at http:\\autarmota.blogspot.com\.
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Paperback Edition ( Published in January 2023 )
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( Avtar Mota )
BECHAIN LAMHE …( Afsanavi Majmua, Urdu ) by Rajendra Patwari ‘Nashad ‘
Publisher …GNK Publications , Budgam , Kashmir
Price Rs250/=( Two Hundred Fifty Rupees )
Year of Publication… 2022( March )
Rajendra Patwari ( born 1943 ) is known as artist of J&K UT .Born in Sopore , the apple town of Kashmir , he was brought up in Srinagar city where he completed his college education. Having graduated from J J School of Art ,Mumbai . He served in various senior positions at the Institute of Music And Fine Arts Jammu and Srinagar .He also served as officer on Special Duty at the Lalit Kala Akademi , New Delhi. He considers artist Mohan Raina as his first Guru in painting. Apart from being an artist, he is also a well known Urdu writer who uses ‘Nashad ‘as his pseudonym.Since 1965, his Urdu short stories have been published in various magazines and journals of the country .He has also written plays and serials for Radio and Doordarshan respectively . he has also written many radio features and some plays in Kashmiri for Doordarshan’s Kasheer channel.His book, ‘Yaas o Hiraas’ ,a collection of Urdu Nazms and gazals was well received .
The book under review comprises of 174 pages covering 27 short stories .Some prominent short stories in this compilation could be listed as Master Ji ,Thapad Ki Goonj, Woh Mere Apne ,Bechain Lamhe, Ghar Vaapsi, Ghode ke Daai Qadam, Vazeefa , Chashm-deed Gawaah,Noora, Saaneha Oss Ek Raat Ka ,Dard Apna Apna,Sadak Ke Doosri Aur, ,Pathron Ki Aad Mein, Khadsha,Fitrat,Vazeefa and Ek Masoom Sawaal etc. Most of these stories revolve around Kashmirii Pandits , a community that faced the wrath of Pakistan sponsored armed insurgency in Kashmir and had to leave their homes and hearths in 1990 to save their lives and honour. Some stories have been written with Mumbai as the background. This could be because the author spent many years in that city as well. Some stories give reflection of the author’s own life . Some stories also revolve around human nature and psychology apart from projecting contemporary social issues.
Coming to the stories in specific , the author has skillfully used his story Akas to convey ill effects of certain government policies. In the story Akas , reservation in employment hits a poor talented applicant from poor Brahmin family who is unable to get a job in the game of quotas and reservation percentages . Master Ji is a story based on migration of Kashmiri Pandits from the valley .A Hindu teacher in Kashmir devotes his post retirement life to free teaching of poor students. His students are mostly from the Muslim community .This coaching helps the local Sarpanch’s son to pass his final examination after many years of repeated failures. The Sarpanch and his son travel to Jammu with a pure intention to thank Master Ji . They succeed in tracing Master Ji’s family in a refugee camp and come to know that Master Ji is no more. Ghar Vaapsi is another story based on migration of Kashmiri Pandits from their motherland and the desire of a person to return to his homeland. As he returns to his home which is occupied by his friend and neighbour , he is confronted by a young boy who refuses his entry or presence. The young boy appears to have been exposed to religious radicalism .
In the story Apna Apna Dard, the author traces the plight of the Kashmiri Pandits when the armed militancy first arrived in the valley . The initial signals of impending death and destruction were turned down by many elderly Pandits who brushed them aside as figments of imagination . These Pandits thought that their neighbours would always come to their protection in the event of any adverse situation. Never ever in their wild dreams could they think about leaving their motherland to save their lives and honour. In the story , this belief and trust is suddenly torn to pieces when a young Kashmiri Pandit boy is shot dead by armed terrorists and no neighbour comes to the rescue of his family. The story appears to be based on some true incident. Such incidents have been witnessed by many families .The story brings a painful reminder of what befell a peace loving community .
In another story titled, “Pyaase Honth”, the author raises the issue of painful deaths in the wake of Covid 19 epidemic wherein even funeral rites could also not be performed in proper manner . In the story Vazeefa , the author raises question of the reservation policy and its implementation by the government whereby benefits don’t reach the real deserving people . In the story Shanakht ( Identity ), the author touches the issue of rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits and the cumbersome procedure for grant of Domicile Certificates . The story “Message”deals with a complex issue of grandchild and his grandfather during the Covid 19 pandemic . The child uses mobile phone to communicate with his grandfather who is under isolation in another room of the same building . The grandfather has forgotten to change the calendar page that the child changes after silently slipping into his room when he is in his toilet and the new jean of the grandfather hanging on the door, turns useless due to countrywide lock out .
The Modern story does not strictly adhere to the traditional thumb rule of all the five ingredients like plot, character, setting, conflict, and theme. Even the greatest story tellers the world over have since dispensed with these strict norms . Rajendra Patwari also uses modern technique and style to convey moving tales of human existence with empathy, deep observation and truthfulness. In this compilation under review ,there are stories that raise contemporary issues , issues of loneliness, unemployment , government policies, poverty , Covid19,apart from major issue of exile and migration of Kashmiri Pandits from their homes and hearths. These stories are meant for wider reading .The stories present the author as an accomplished writer, who with his keen observation, gripping narration and sensitive portrayal keeps the reader glued to the book . I wish the book had been translated into English or published in Devnagari for wider reading. I recommend this collection to all especially the younger generation who may also get a fair idea and glimpse of facts and events of our recent past along with a broader view of the issues facing the common man in general and the exiled community in particular .
( Avtar Mota )
CHINAR SHADE by Autarmota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
Based on a work at http:\\autarmota.blogspot.com\.
NAZKI – The Poet From Kashmir
( A Tribute to Mir Ghulam Rasool Nazki )
Edited by Vinita Agrawal
Compiled by Ayaz Rasool Nazki
ISBN 9789390143733
Published by: INK LINKS PUBLISHING HOUSE (Mob..9906252796)
Price Rs500/= US Dollars 20/=
Pages 165 ( Paperback )
“May you be one for whom his mother is a Deva. May you be one for whom his father is a Deva. May you be one for whom his guest is a Deva. May you be one for whom his teacher is a Deva.”…… Taittiriya Upanishad
“Me kyaah ka’rrie Yun Gatchhun Sontu’k Ta Hardu’k
Bahaar Aassein Harud Aasein Dapuss Gutchh
Chillus Chhuss Byooth’mut Pananiess Dillus Munz
Panun Aassein Parud Aassein Dapuss Gutchh”
( Indifferent I remain now ,
To the arrival and departure of seasons.
Convey this to the spring ,
Tell this much to the autumn as well,
Tell the seasons to be away .
Having moved within to my heart’s cavern :
To any person,
Who visits me ,
A kinsman,
A stranger ,
Tell him this much,
Tell him to be away .)
( Avtar Mota )
( A portrait of Dara Shikoh held by British Museum , London )
“When pots , etc. are broken , the space within them becomes unlimited. So also when bodies cease to exist, the self remains eternal and unattached .” .....Yogavasishtha
Vasishtha Yog Samhita or Yogavasishtha is named after sage Vasishtha who is mentioned and revered in the seventh book of the Rigveda, and who was called the first sage of the Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy by Adi Shankara.
Yogavasishtha is traditionally attributed to Maharishi Valmiki, the author of Ramayana. However, this vast work was summarised some centuries ago by Gauda Abhinanda ( also known as Abhinanda Pandita ), a Kashmiri scholar, into 6,000 couplets, which go by the name of "Laghu Yogavasishtha".Abhinanda Pandita was the illustrious son of Jayanta Bhatta.Abhinanda, gave details of his family tree in the introduction to his Sanskrit book , "Kadambari-katha-sara" . It is a versified abridgement of Bāṇabhaṭṭa’s prose-romance called the Kādambarī .In eight cantos , this work belongs to the class of poetical works composed in the age of decadence. Abhinanda’s work is quoted by Abhinavagupta, Kṣemendra and Bhoja . He was also known as Abhinanda Bhatta.
Abhinanda Bhatta( Pandita) 's father, Jayanta Bhatta was a poet , logician, philosopher, playwright and critic from Kashmir who lived during the rule of King Shankeravarman ( 883-902 AD) of the Utpala dynasty. Jayanta was also a scholar who had mastered Shastra and Agma . His great-grandfather, Shaktiswamin Bhatta was a minister of King Lalitaditya Muktapida. Jayanta was a prolific writer whose maximum work has been lost . Many Western scholars consider Jayanta as a master-scholar of Indian logic. About Jayanta Bhatta , the well-known scholar , R D Hegde writes this :-
“ Jayanta Bhatta’s contribution to Indian philosophy is no less . He composed two Nyaya works ; Nyayakalika and Nyayamanjari . He also composed an allegorical drama Agamadambara apart from a commentary on Paninian Grammar . Except the Panini’s grammar , all other works have been located, edited and translated into English. “
Laghu Yogavasishtha of Abhinanda Bhatta gained worldwide popularity and was subjected to regular translations. Abhinanda Bhatta ( Pandita) also retained the six chapters of the original text but did pruning and summarization.In this abridged text, almost all the words of the bigger one are reproduced verbatim but the author has extracted the quintessence after clipping the expansive descriptions etc. The text also has a commentary called Vasistha-chandrika by Atmasukha.
Yogavasishtha has been translated into Persian, English , Russian , German , Polish, French, Portuguese , Latvian, Tamil , Telugu ,Bangla, Gujarati, Marathi and many other languages.This philosophical treatise is divided into six chapters known as:-
(1) Vairaagya Prakarana( The State of Dispassion )
(2) Mumuksu Vyavahara Prakarana in (Exposition of the Behavior of the
Seeker), (3) Utapatti Prakarana Exposition of the arising and birth)
(4) Sthiti Prakarana (Exposition of the existence and settling),
(5) Upasama Prakarana (Exposition of the Patience and Tranquility)
(6) Nirvana Prakarana ( Exposition of the Liberation )
Thus , Yogavasishtha consists of six books and about 32000 verses. Within these six books are stories told by sage Vasishtha in the form of a dialogue with Sri Rama. When Sri Rama realises the futility of existence and the misery it brings with itself, he is struck with sorrow. When he seeks refuge in Rishi Vasishtha, the enlightened Rishi takes him to the pinnacle of truth through a dialogue between the two that later was captured in the scripture, Yogavasishtha. The timeless dialogue interspersed with deep philosophical stories brings out astounding truths about existence to destroy Sri Rama’s sorrow. In Ramayana, we don't come across what Rishi Vashishtha taught to Sri Rama. Neither the teachings of Rishi Vashishtha nor the circumstances that led to the dialogue between Sri Rama and Rishi Vashishtha are elaborated upon anywhere. For this, one needs to read Yogavasishtha to know both . It recounts a discourse of the sage Vasishtha to the young Prince Sri Rama.
The six books of the Yogavasishtha unfold the major Yogic and Hindu philosophical and religious themes. According to Yogavasishtha, happiness visits a human being should he sincerely work for it. His action or effort must always be in four components. These components of effort are, Samo (quietude of mind), Vichara ( spirit of Enquiry), Santosha ( contentment ) and Satsang (the company of the realized ones). The philosophy of Yogavasishtha says that true happiness resides in our nature. And our true nature is beyond pain and pleasure. Pain and pleasure are reactions that arise from our cravings and bind our consciousness. These verses have a philosophical foundation similar to those found in Advaita Vedanta. It is a treatise on the universe, the human mind, Maya, Brahman and the principles of non-duality.I am of a firm belief that Yogavasishtha is the highest form of knowledge on subjects that have tormented human minds since ancient times. I mean issues like : the Nature of Self , Nature of Mind, Nature of Non-doer , Nature of attachment ,aversion acceptance and Rejection,Nature of Liberation, Nature of Maya or Illusion, Nature of Universe, Nature of Brahaman, Nature of Atman, Relative Nature of Time, Life Outside Earth, Nature of Divine Dispensation or Fate , Practice of Yoga, Causes is Human Suffering, Purpose of Existence and Creation, Self Correction Through Neti Neti, Theories of Existence and Free Will , Role of Meditation and many many similar issues .
According to Yogavasishtha , the world is as real as a mirage. In other words, it does not exist! Modern physics seems to agree. A 2017 CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research) study observes a complete symmetry between matter and anti-matter in the universe. So, all the anti-matter in the universe should have cancelled the matter in the universe, which further suggests that the universe should not exist in the first place. Rishi Vasishtha explains this mind-boggling truth when Sri Rama asks him where the world goes during dissolution. To this query , Rishi Vasishtha says this :-
“Water in the mirage does not come into being and go out of existence; even so, this world does not come out of the absolute nor does it go anywhere. The creation of the world has no cause, and therefore it has no beginning. It does not exist even now; how can it reach destruction?”
Apart from Hindus and many Western writers and philosophers , many Muslims have also been lovers of Yogavasishtha .Dara Shikoh was not only a lover of Upanishads but more profoundly a lover of Yogavasishtha .The message and fame of Yogavasishtha reached the Safavids of Iran. In the late sixteenth century , Nizam-ud-Din Panipati translated Yogavasishtha into Persian and the translation came to be known as Jug-Basisht. He did so at the specific request of Jalaluddin Akbar and dedicated his translation to Prince Salim ( later Jahangir ). Akbar had heard about Yogavasishtha from many Brahmins whom he met. Akbar also became an admirer and lover of Yogavasishtha . The Safavid-era mystic Mir Findiriski (d. 1641) also got a translated copy of Jug- Basisht and commented upon its various passages. Mirza Abdul Qadir Bedil (1642-1720), a Sufi poet of the Indian School known as ‘Sabk e Hindi’ was a lover of Yogavasishtha.It may not be out of place to mention that Sultan Zain ul Abdin of Kashmir, fondly known as Budshah was also a lover of Yogavasishtha. It was Sanskrit scholar and his court historian Srivara who read passages from ‘Yogavasishtha ‘ and explained these to the liberal Sultan. Dr Zabiollah Safa ( former Professor Emeritus, University of Tehran ) ,the renowned Persian scholar was also a lover of Yogavasishtha .Dr Gopi Chand Narang, the well-known scholar and authority on Ghalib writes this :-
“ Ghalib was highly influenced by the Persian poetry of Mirza Abdul Qadir Bedil ( 1642-1720 ). Bedil was a lover of Upanishads and had with him a Persian translation of “Yogavasishtha” that he read and that influenced his thought."
Amongst Western scholars, David Gordon ( Professor University of California) , Christopher Chapple( American scholar and Indologist ) , Eleonora Meier( renowned Vedic scholar and author) Inese Kausa( Indologist from Belgium ) , Peter Thomi( German Indologist ) ,Francois Chenet( French scholar and Indologist ) , Walter Slaje( Austrian Indologist ) ,Dr. Peter F Freund( American Scholar and Indologist )and many more have done extensive work on Yogavasishtha .There is hardly any university in Europe and the US that has not encouraged work on ancient Indian scriptures including Yogavasishtha .
Guru Gobind Singh ,Swami Vivekananda, Vinobha Bhave,Gurudev Tagore, Sri Aurobindo , Swami Ram Tirath , Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan are some names amongst many many lovers of Yogavasishtha in India. Indian freedom fighter Vinayak Damodar Savarkar has praised Yogavasishtha. I Quote from his Autobiography "My Transportation For Life"
"All of a sudden I fell upon the Yogavashistha, and I found it of such absorbing interest that I have come to regard it ever since as the best work on the Vedanta Philosophy. The propositions were so logical, the verse is so beautiful, and the exposition is so thorough and penetrating that the soul loses itself in raptures over it. Such a fine combination of philosophy and poetry is a gift reserved only for Sanskrit poets"
I end with some quotes from Yogavasishtha :-
(1) When pots, etc. are broken the space within them becomes unlimited. So also when bodies cease to exist, the Self remains eternal and unattached.
(2) Whatever is seen does not truly exist. It is like the mythical city of Gandharvas or a mirage. That which is not seen, though within us, is called the eternal and indestructible Self.
(3) The world is full of misery to an ignorant man and full of bliss to a wise man. The world is dark to a blind man and bright to one who has eyes.
(4) Just as the cloth, when investigated, is seen to be nothing but thread, so also this world, when enquired into, is (seen to be) merely the Self.
(5) He who realizes that the whole universe is nothing but consciousness and remains quite calm is protected by the armour of Brahman; he is happy.
(6) Just as a crystal is not stained by what is reflected in it, so also a knower of truth is not affected by the result of his acts.
(7) He who neither likes nor dislikes the objects seen by him and who acts (in the world) like one asleep, is said to be a liberated person.
(8) O Rama, the mind has, by its activity, bound itself; when it is calm it is free.
(9) The mind is bound by the latent impressions (Vasanas). When there are no impressions it is free. Therefore, O Rama, bring about quickly, through discrimination, the state in which there are no impressions.
(10) O Raghava ! You are bound firmly on all sides by the idea, I am the body’. Cut that bond by the sword of knowledge ‘I am Consciousness’ and be happy.
( Avtar Mota)
(1)…This author is beholden to many Sanskrit scholars and translators from South India who made it possible for us to know Kashmiri poets , scholars, critics, historians, aestheticians, logicians, chemists, musicians, rhetoricians, philosophers, grammarians,translators, playwrights and artists right up to the rule of Lohara Kings. Some of these great men from Kashmir who rose to eminence the world over for their original contributions are, Rishi Vasugupta , Abhinavgupta , Khemraja , Kshemendra , Bilhana, Kalhana, Somadeva , Sharangadeva,Bhatta Narayana , Jayanta Bhatta,Rajanka Bhatta ,Ratnakara ,Sivaswamin,Srivara ,Bhallaṭa,Vamana,Jonaraja,Anandavardhana, Udbhata, Kuntala , Mahima Bhatta,Silhana,Abhinanda Bhatta, Panini, Charaka, Bhamaha, Gopendra, Namisadhu, Rudrata, Kuntaka, Mammaṭa, Vallavadeva,Dandin, Varahamihira, Utpala, Visakhila, Vamanagupta, Manoratha, Padmagupta, Ratnakara, Mukula Bhatta, Kumarila Bhatta, Poetess Vijjika, Sabaraswami, Bhatta Nayaka, Bhatta Tauta, Hemachandra, Vidyadhara,Rajashekhara,Narendra, Ruyyaka, Sri Shankuka, Sambhunatha , Sumatinatha , Lollata ,Somendra, Cakrapala, Muktakana, Bhogendra, Prakasendra and many more . In the rich history of Sanskrit literature, Kashmir stands out for its remarkable contribution. This author is also beholden to ‘The Adyar Library and Research Centre’, Chennai for preserving these translations for posterity and also for the scholars the world over. This author’s also gratitude goes to ‘The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute’, Pune for preserving some rare books and Sharada and Sanskrit manuscripts from Kashmir. The contribution of the Kashmiris to the Sanskrit literature of India remains unparalleled. Even the Chitrasutra part of Vishnudharmotrapuran is believed to have been written by a Kashmiri Pandit. The best commentators on Rasa and Dhvani theory of Natyashastra have been Kashmiris. And Bilhana remains a distinguished poet from Kashmir in this contribution.
(2)…Rishi Vasishtha is a sage in Hindu religion. He is one of the seven seers or Saptarishi in the first Manvantara, and is considered one of the mind-born sons of the god Brahma. He is also the author of many hymns in the Rigveda and is considered one of the most respected Rishis in Hindu tradition. He is also known for being the teacher of Sri Rama. According to Ellison Findly – a professor of Religion, Vasishtha hymns in the Rigveda are among the most intriguing in many ways and influential. Vasishtha emphasizes means to be as important as ends during one's life encouraging truthfulness, devotion, optimism, family life, sharing one's prosperity with other members of society, among other cultural values. Rishi Vasistha is considered to be one of the most powerful sages in Hindu mythology for his immense knowledge, wisdom, and power to control the elements of nature. His teachings and wisdom have been immortalized in various Hindu scriptures and are still relevant today.
(3)…Swami Tejomayananda , a disciple of Swami Chinmayananda has done a wonderful work by bringing out the essence of 32000 verses of Yogavasishtha in only 86 verses that have been beautifully translated into English with lucid commentary . These 86 verses are spread over 151 pages of his book titled, 'A Glimpse Into Yogavasishtha ' available for just 135 rupees.
CHINAR SHADE by Autarmota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
Based on a work at http:\\autarmota.blogspot.com\.