Thursday, November 21, 2013



                                                          Mohan Nirash (1934-2000 ) 

MOHAN NIRASH   (1934-2000)

“Roos ktchie lokchaar van  kun trovum yaavun rovum shaharitch braaentch
Pholnaai pamposh Kami  putchnovum kya gudrovum taqdeeran …….
Ronnie daamanas shroni  shroni rovum kya gudrovum taqdeeran
Vuzmali seenas  daz daz thovum Kya gudrovum taqdeeran” …….( Mohan Nirash )


(Like a gazelle, I left my childhood in the forest ,
And lost my youth in this city’s temptations.
Who threw this lotus to dust before its bloom? 
And see what regret my fate brought to me?
I lost the “Chhum” “Chhum” of my dancing apparel,
What regret my fate brought to me?
The lightning kept kindling many a fires within my chest
What regret my fate brought to me?)

Mohan Nirash (1934-2000) was a poet, playwright, translator and above all a gentle human being. He resided at  Drabyaar, Habba Kadal and later  moved to Delhi where his family is settled at the moment . Nirash was employed in AIR (Radio Kashmir, Srinagar) and was essentially a Hindi poet who started writing in his mother tongue (Kashmiri) possibly around 1967.

As a programme officer, he has been the founder and producer of Hindi programmes and Kashmiri programmes on All India Radio, Srinagar. During his Akashvani service, Mohan Nirash has translated Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography, Nilamata Purana, Kalhana’s Rajatarangini, radio adaptation of Ramcharitmanas, and about three hundred all-India plays into Kashmiri language. He has worked in various positions in All India Radio Srinagar, Directorate General, National Broadcasting Service, All India Radio,New Delhi , Hindi Service of External Broadcasting Division and All India Radio Shimla for about 36 years. Pragaash was the most popular and informative programme of Radio Kashmir, Srinagar that was aired for about 26 Years. It was produced by Nirash and scripted by him.Syed Zeeshan Fazil informs me this about Pragaash :-

  “Pragaash is one of his remarkable productions of Radio Kashmir. He was a well-read person always dedicated to his work and never believed in any groupism at his work place or outside.”

 He was a master translator and did some excellent translations from Kashmiri to Hindi as also from  English ,Hindi and Sanskrit to Kashmiri . He wrote Kashmiri dramas ( Rata Daen Posh or Bleeding Flowers ) as well. Nirash  also translated Arthur Miller's,”Death Of A Salesman” into Kashmiri  apart from translating  Galsworthy's Justice. In my private collection, I have a copy of Noornama published in Kashmiri by Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art Culture and Languages dedicated to Aladaar e Kashmir  ( Nund Ryosh ).. This special number has also published some Shrukhs of Nirash . I quote.


“Ruum gayee sheeshus taapus gayee gatta
Akaalie samayas voth andhakaar
Paanzsav praanav kraekh laaiy yikavata
Baar khodayaa paap nivaar …….( Mohan Nirash )


(The sun splintered and the day light turned to shadows
Untimely darkness engulfed everything.
All the **(2) five elements cried in one voice
“O Lord! unburden us of these sins.)

  :"Antaa-karnan andherie peyi tratta
 Deh zan valini me aav samsaar .
***(3)Maya zaalas andh katiness ratta
Baar khodaaya  paap nivaar "……..( Mohan Nirash )
 (As if struck by lightning, the inner self lies battered.
And this world appears to influence this external self.
Where shall  I draw a line to this *Maya –Mesh”   ?
O Lord !unburden us of our sins ._)

Nirash’s poetry is known for its lyrical quality and emotional depth, often resonating with readers on a personal level. His ability to capture the essence of Kashmir and its people has made him a beloved figure in Kashmiri literature.. He influenced a generation of Hindi writers from Kashmir that includes Agni Shekhar , Maharaj Shah , Maharaj Santoshi , Kshama Kaul and many more . Some important books published by Mohan Nirash can be listed as under:-

1- “Krishna Mera Paryay” (Hindi poetry collection 1971)

2- “Ek Aprichit Akash” (co-editor of contemporary Hindi poetry anthology of Kashmir)

3- “Kavita Khanabadosh” (Hindi poetry Collection 1985)

4- “Dastakhat Silvatoon ke Beech” (Hindi poetry collection: 1990)

5- “Shoonya-Kaal” (Hindi poetry Collection: 1991)

6- “Ibarat Se Alag” (Hindi poetry collection 2001)

7“Richaayen Neelkanthi” (A collection of representative poems of Mohan Nirash Edited by Dr. Upendra Nath Raina).


Other Literary Contribution 

1-Co-editor of Urdu-Kashmiri dictionary (three volumes) published by Jammu & Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture & Languages

2-Kashmir Men of Letters (Hindi and English volumes compiled and edited)

3-Writer of  Param Yogini Lalleshwari (Hindi dance drama staged in 1999 )



1- Jammu and Kashmir Cultural Academy Award for the poetry Collection 'Krishna Mera Paryay’

2- Honoured by Akhil Bhartiya Hindi-Urdu Sangam (for the Promotion of Hindi in non-Hindi region of Kashmir)

3- Honoured by Uttar Pradesh Hindi Sahitya Sammelan for the promotion of Hindi in the region of Kashmir)

4- Awarded by Central Hindi Directorate, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India for his poetry collection– “Dastakhat Silvatoon ke Beech”

5- Appreciation letter under Akashvani Award Scheme

6- Awarded by Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages for 'Shunyakal' (poetry collection).

7- "Shrestha Samman 2021" (posthumously) for significant contribution in the field of Kashmiri language and literature by HARMONY CULTURAL FOUNDATION.

8- “Richaayen Neelkanthi” (Collection of representative poems of Mohan Nirash) Editor: Dr. Upendra Nath Raina Awarded as Shreshtha Kriti 

Dalip Langoo , music composer has this to say  :-

 “Since he was a Hindi poet I am not aware about his Koshur Qalaam but we were in Delhi working on a project, he penned down some beautiful poems for a television serial .I have recorded one of his Kashmiri poems and put that on my sound cloud. I do not think any of his poems in Kashmiri are at all aired on Radio Kashmir. His children: 1. Upinder  Ji recently retired from Akashwani as Deputy Station Director,New Delhi, 2.  Pardyot Raina is no more as he  met with a serious road accident a few years ago, 3. Neeraj Ji is teacher (art teacher) in a reputed  school of Delhi's and dear Ashutosh Raina is in a private job. ”

Here is a portion from this lovely Kashmiri song with excellent music composed by Dalip Langoo. This song was actually written for the television serial Afsana e Kashmir produced by Rajesh Amrohi . This song can be heard at…….

Poet Shantiveer Kaul (son of stalwart Kashmiri poet Dina Nath Nadim ) has this to say :-

 “No gentler soul than Nirash Ji, no unassuming one either - and as, if not more, erudite, well informed and analytically keen as any. I have memories of this soul that will last me this lifetime as” a reference point of what is good and gentle.

Hindi poet Agni Shekhar adds this :-.

  “The greatest of great Kashmiri translator, who translated nearly 400 radio plays , Gandhi Katha,Ramayana ,Vaital Pachisi and other important  literary works into Kashmiri . Besides, Mohan Nirash was a prominent Hindi poet and broadcaster, efficient interviewer. He wrote Gazals in Kashmiri. His innovative programme like 'PRAGAASH' was immensely popular across the length and breadth of Kashmir Valley. Mohan Nirash was a household name in Kashmir. And died in exile”

Bansi Raina adds this:-

 “ A noble unassuming soul ..He was a very diligent worker. Mohan Nirash who had at ready translated Galsworthy’s JUSTICE   for the  Radio ..Rewrote it as a stage version at my request...He was fond of palmistry and we use to exchange ideas and view point on the subject. A man who deserved more than what he got. A great friend.”



Nirash always believed in the present while ensuring preservation of our language and past cultural heritage . I quote him

“While it is good to take steps for preservation of past heritage, we should not let the present slip out of our hands as our today's achievements are going to be tomorrow's heritage.”

 And one day in October 2000, while going to meet Santoor Maestro Pandit Bhajan Sopory at his Lodhi Road residence, Mohan Nirash ji met with a fatal accident. The voice turned silent but the poems that he composed created   an indelible imprint on Kashmiri literature.


So long so much……………

 ( Avtar Mota 21.11.2013 )



*(1) SENDHEY is Sindh or the Sangam or Prayag Teertha of Kashmir . It is the confluence of Vitasta and Sindh stream at Shadipora Kashmir. This place is also mentioned as Teertha in Neelamat Purana . I quote..

 "The wise say that by bathing in the confluence of Sindhu and vitasta especially on the full moon day of the month of Prausthapada , one obtains the merit of the performance of Ashavmedha ."

(Neelamat Purana Canto 1384 Volume II) 

* *(2) Five elements are Prithvi (earth), Akaash (space or sky ). ,Vaayu ( air ), Jal ( water ) and Agni ( fire ). These five elements, water, Air, fire, space and earth are together known as “Panchtatva”..

*** (3) Maya Zaal (Maya Jaal ) is  philosophical concept  related  to Maya or illusion. Many Mystic poets of Kashmir have used the word Maya Zaal for this world and its material temptations.. In Buddhism, Maya plays a prominent philosophical role. In Buddhism, what appears to the naked eye in this world   is Maya  or  a Magician’s Illusion which  is far  away from the reality . According to Shaivite Philosophy of Adi Sankara, Māyā is invisible or beyond sense-perception. But this universe which is its effect, is visible or perceived by the senses.


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