Monday, May 22, 2023




Shailesh Mota and Jeanne Allard brought us to this beautiful garden. Sceaux is a town of   wealthy people outside Paris city . It is about 10 km from the  city and is connected by trains, Metro,buses, taxis  and other modes of transport .We arrived by Metro B boarding it at Chetelet junction  .Many wealthy people have built spacious  bunglows in Sceaux.  In 1798, Sceaux hosted the wedding of Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte and Désirée Clary. He was to become Charles XIV John and Charles III John (Karl XIV Johan), King of Sweden and Norway in 1818. In 1895, Pierre Curie married Marie Sklodowska at the town hall of Sceaux. The two scientists lived in Sceaux for several years and were buried there before being transferred to the Pantheon in 1995.

The greatest attraction in Sceaux is the Royal  Garden laid originally during the rule of Louis XIV along with a castle that  is a museum of art now. We visited the Sceaux Park ( Parc) yesterday . This large set of gardens is spread in about 180 acres of green area   with huge central water canal . Parc de Sceaux with 180 hectares is seven times larger than Luxembourg Gardens in Paris

The castle at the corner of the park  was destroyed during the French Revolution and has been rebuilt in early 19th century. There are some  sculptures resembling ancient   Greek stone art in the park which is full of poplar and maple trees planted to make grand patterns and designs. I saw  some people fishing in the central water canal of this Park.Sceaux castle was originally built by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the minister of finance to Louis XIV and purchased by Louis' illegitimate son, the Duke of Maine in 1699. It is public park now and entree is free. One can see families from city  relaxing in the park over coffee, snacks and food spreading mats on lush green grass or sitting under tall maple trees .

The gardens of “Parc de Sceaux”, were designed in the same era as the gardens of Versailles. This historic and listed site still bears the mark of its creator, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, and its very first gardener, André Le Nôtre. The park of the Domaine de Sceaux invites you to idle, stroll, jog or pedal through its French-style gardens every day of the year.

( Avtar Mota)

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